Aspects Relationships of Planets

All the planets in astrology gives results according to their condition, conjuction, and aspect. If the planet is in benefic house such as Trikon Bhava , Kendra Bhava ,then  it gives good results or is the lord of any benefic house.Other than this the planets are benefic when they aspects benefic planets. The result gained at this time is also auspicious. In the study of planets in astrology , today we will understand the aspects of the planets . Each planet forms aspects from its seventh house.

Sun Aspects
The Sun Planet has the seventh Aspect.

Moon Aspects
The Moon Planet has the seventh Aspect.

Mars Aspects
The Mars Planet has the seventh, fourth and eight aspects.

Mercury Aspects
The Mercury Planet has the seventh Aspect.

Jupiter Aspects
The Jupiter Planet has the seventh, fifth and ninth.

Venus Aspects
The Venus Planet has the seventh Aspect.

Saturn Aspects
The Saturn Planet has the seventh , third and tenth
Lets understand one more time in simple words.First each planet aspects from the seventh place of its sign. Additionally Mars, Jupiter ,and Saturn has three aspects each.Mars aspects in fourth and eight place also. Likewise , Jupiter and Saturn aspects in ninth, fifth and third respectively. According to some other studies ,Rahu and Ketu also aspects in fifth and ninth place.