Descriptions of Signs and the Lord of signs

If 12 signs are arranged as a wheel, then the confederation formed is known as Bhagadh. Sun is the lord of signs Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn of this wheel.

Vedic astrology has 12 signs, 9 planets, and 27 nakshatras. The names of the 12 signs are as follows :

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

The other names of the signs are :

Kriya , Tabru, Jitum, Kulir, Leya, Patheen, Juke, Kaupika, Tauksha, Aakokera, Hridyaroga and Anatya.

According to Sarawali, if all the 12 signs are arranged into a wheel, then Sun is considered to be the lord of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn and the lord of other 6 signs is Moon.

Lord of the Signs.


Mars is the lord of Aries. Mars represents power, activeness and gives energy.


Venus is the lord of Taurus. Venus represents glory and materialistic pleasures and luxury.


Mercury is the lord of Gemini. Mercury blesses with intelligence and cleverness.


Moon is itself the lord of cancer.


Sun is the lord of Leo.


Mercury is the lord of Virgo. Hence mercury is the lord of two signs.


Venus is the lord of Libra. Hence Venus is the lord of two signs. These two signs are Taurus and Libra.


Mars is the lord of Scorpio.


Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius.


Saturn is the lord of Capricorn.


Saturn is the lord of Aquarius.


Jupiter is the lord of Pisces.

This shows that except Sun and Moon, all the other planets are the lords of two signs each.