Determination of Mental Disorders in Medical Astrology

In this post, we’ll discuss mental disorders and it’s analysis through astrology. There are various reasons for mental disorders. But, today we’ll talk about astrological significance in determining the possibility of mental disorders in a native. There are certain yogas in medical astrology that help us to determine the health complications a person would suffer in his life. However, it is always to advised to consult a good astrologer for such kind of serious analysis. Let’s take a look at those aspects of a horoscope that are studied to determine the mental disorders in a native.

Moon, Mercury, fourth house and fifth house are analyzed for mental disorders in a horoscope. Moon is the heart and Mercury is the brain. Similarly, Fourth house is the heart and the fifth house denotes brain. Moon and the fifth house are considered to play a significant role in a situation where a person loses his mental stability due to the turmoil of emotion. In the same way, fourth house play a significant role in mental disorder such as Schizophrenia. On the other hand, Saturn and Moon conjuncts is also not considered to be auspicious for mental health. Moon should be afflicted in an horoscope for occurrence of any kind of mental disorder.

  • A person has a tendency of acquiring mental disorder of the Moon is situated with Rahu in the same house of a horoscope. This is because Rahu makes you delusional and Moon is the karaka of heart. In this situation, the native ends up building his own world of dreams.
  • Afflicted Mercury, Ketu and fourth house forming a relationship with each other makes the native extremely stubborn. Such people can also suffer from severe mental disorders like Schizophrenia. A lot of scholars put stress on the fourth house and Mercury to analyze such conditions.
  • When Jupiter or Mars are situated in the ascendant or seventh house respectively then the native suffers from mental problems. Also, Jupiter in the Mars ascendant or seventh house is also responsible for making a native suffer from mental disorders.
  • When Saturn is situated in the ascendant or Mars in the fifth, seventh or ninth house of horoscope, then also the person suffers from mental disorders.
  • Twelfth house with weak Moon of Krishna paksha and Saturn give the possibility of mental disorders. Similarly, Moon and Saturn conjunct also causes mental disturbances.
  • When Saturn is in the ascendant, Sun in the twelfth house, Mars and Moon in the trident house.
  • When Mandi is in the seventh house and afflicted with malefics.
  • When Rahu and Moon are situated in the ascendant and malefics are in the trident house.
  • When Mars is aspected by Saturn in the fourth house, or Saturn in the fourth house is situated on the axis of Rahu/Ketu.
  • When Saturn and Mars conjuncts the sixth or eighth house of a horoscope.
  • When Mercury is situated with the malefic planet in the third, sixth, eighth or twelfth house of a horoscope.
  • Moon conjunct Ketu or Saturn is not considered to be an auspicious position. When these are closely positioned it can lead to severe mental disorders.
  • When Saturn and Mars, both are situated in the Moon and the Mercury from the center then also the native has the tendency to acquire mental disorders.

Signs of Migraine In Astrology

To identify Migraine the position of Moon and Mercury are analyzed, along with other planets.

  • A person can suffer from migraine when Saturn and Mars are situated in either sixth or eighth house of the horoscope.
  • When Saturn and Moon conjuncts each other or aspected by Mars.
  • When Rahu and Moon are situated in the eighth house.

Children Born with Mental Instability or Disorders

  • If the ascendant is under the influence of malefic at the time of birth and forming relations with Saturn. This relations can be in the form of conjunction, aspect or sthiti.
  • Saturn is aspecting the lord of the ascendant from the fifth house of the horoscope.
  • When the Saturn and Rahu are in the fifth house, Mercury in the twelfth house and the lord of the fifth house is afflicted.
  • When the fifth house, lord of the fifth house, Moon and Mercury all are influenced by the malefics, the native possess weak mental strength.
  • When the Moon is situated in the ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars.
  • Rahu in the fifth house is also responsible for hampering the mental strength of the native.

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