Method To Compute Trikon Shodhan

Trikon Shodhan is performed after performing Mandal Shodhan in Sarvashtakavarga. All the signs have been divided into four categories i.e fire, air, earth and water. These are the four elements of universe. Thus, there are 3 signs in every varga that are trikon signs. These have been classified in different vargas, i.e  (1-5-9), (2-6-10), (3-7-11) and (4-8-12).

  • Fire Signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
  • Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces


  • If the bindu count of the signs of any of the element is not equal, then consider the sign with lowest number of bindus and use that number to deduct the bindu counts of other rashi.
  • The any of the sign of an element has 0, then shodhan is not performed.
  • If any of the tw signs of a particular element has 0, then the bindu count of the third sign will automatically become 0.
  • If the bindu counts of all the signs are equal, then after the shodhan the points of all the signs will get 0.

Now, we will use these rules through an illustrative kundli to understand them better.

In this kundli after performing the Mandal shodhan, thr ascendant has 12 bindus, second house is with 3 bindus, third house with 12 bindus, fourth house with 6 bindus, fifth house with 11 bindus, seventh house with 10 bindus, eighth house with 1 bindu, ninth hosue with 9 bindus, enth house with 9 bindus, eleventh house with 8 bindus and twelfth house with 12 bindus.

Trikon Shodhan of these bindus will be according to the table given below :

Shodhan for Fire Signs

Signs Aries Leo Sagittarius
Bindu 9 3 11
Deduct From Minimum Points 3 3 3
Result of Shodhan 6 0 8

Shodhan for Earth Signs

Signs Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Bindu 8 12 10
Deduct From Minimum Points 8 8 8
Result of Shodhan 0 4 2

Shodhan for Air Signs

Signs Gemini Libra Aquarius
Bindu 12 6 1
Deduct From Minimum Points 1 1 1
Result of Shodhan 11 5 0

Shodhan for Water Signs

Signs Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Bindu 12 4 9
Deduct From Minimum Points 4 4 4
Result of Shodhan 8 0 5

To get information on Vedic Birth Kundli please follow the given link : Vedic Birth Kundli