Food According to the Horoscope

According to the astrology, each zodiac sign is assigned with appropriate healthy food, like :


People born under Aries sign long for a fast life which tends to affect their physical strength. The brain is the principal of this sign and highly influenced. These people should include those items in their meal which can provide energy to their brain and body both. They should eat vitamin rich food like spinach, carrot, cucumber, radish, onion, cabbage, milk, yogurt, cheese, fish and other protein foods. They should eat less non-vegetarian food and avoid intaking any kind of stimulating food.


People born under Taurus sign have athletic body and eat food with full taste. They suffer from bad throat, obesity and heart problems, since they are fond of eating different kind of food with different taste. These people should avoid eating sweets, cake, pastries, butter and other greasy food. They should include vitamin rich food like fruits, vegetables, salads, lemon etc in their meals.


This sign is based on the principal of mental and nervous system. People belonging to Gemini sign usually remains sick due to hard mental work and bad digestion. These people should eat food that can provide energy to the brain like Vitamin B rich food i.e milk and fruits. They should avoid or eat less non-vegetarian food.


People with Cancer sign are fond of eating, but possess poor digestive system. They should avoid eating those food items that increases excitement and acidity in the stomach. Non-vegetarian food, pastry and liquor are harmful to their health. They should include milk, curd, fruits, vegetables, salads, lemon, nuts and fish in their diet. These people should drink water before sleeping and after waking up.


Leo sign is a functional sign. They spend lots of energy in performing their tasks. They should eat digestible food that can provide energy to their body and increases the haemoglobin level. They should avoid eating oily food that can cause obesity and heart problems. These people should eat vegetarian food, fruits and dry fruits rich in vitamins and nutrition in their diet.


People born under Virgo sign have poor digestive system and should be careful with their eating habits. Milk, fruit, digestible foods are beneficial to eat. They should eat well cooked food, nut less in quantity every time for better functioning of their excretory system.


Librians are fond of eating good food, but possess poor excretory system. They should fruits like apple, fig, milk products and vegetables like carrot, beetroot and peas. They should avoid eating oily food, sweets and liquor items to avoid kidney problems.


Scorpions are fond of eating. They should totally avoid eating any kind of food that causes obesity and are intoxicated.  They should eat light food lie milk, fruits and vegetables. They should avoid or eat less blood stimulating food like onions, garlic, coconut etc.


Sagittarius sign is a fire sign and the people belonging to this sign are active and agile. They should eat energy providing food rich in protein. They should take dinner long before the sleeping time and should go for a walk regularly.


People with Capricorn sign are responsible and spend lots of energy in fulfilling their responsibilities. They should eat energy providing food like coconut, spinach, cucumber etc.


People belonging to Aquarius sign spend lots of energy mentally and physically and should take food that can increase the level of energy and blood in the body like milk, cheese, salads, fish, radish, carrot etc.


People with Pisces sign normally remains sick due to their bad eating habits or overeating habit. They should pay proper attention to their eating habits and avoid eating oily food, sweets, and alcoholic items. Include milk, fish, salads, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.