Trishadaya Houses and its Importance

The 12 houses in Horoscope has been equally segmented under good houses and evil houses.these good and evil house are further grouped under various categories such as:

Benefic groups

Kendra houses Group of 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house together forms Kendra.
Trikona Houses Group of 1st, 5th, 9th house together is known as Trikona
Panfar houses   Group of 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th house forms Panfar
Appoklim : The 3rd house, 6th house 9th house and 12th house together form Appoklim
Upchaya    The 3rd house, 6th house and the 10th house are together grouped as Upchaya

Malefic groups

Trik Houses  The group of  6th, 8th and 12th house together are called Trik houses.
Trishadaya  The 3rd, 6th and 11th houses are grouped under Trishadaya.


This group of 3rd house, 6th house and 11th house  represents the three evil factors i.e. desire, anger and greed respectively. These three houses in the Trishadaya group are entirely opposite to the most important houses for spiritual advancement i.e. the 9th house, 12th house and 5th houses respectively. The 11th house is the most powerful of the Trishadaya group as it is the last member of the group,

Third house: Third house represents rules desire, neighbours, close relations, secret offences.It has governance over courage. It is also concerned with throat, ears, younger brothers and sisters and father’s death.

Sixth house: This house signifies accidents, anger, disease, enemies, mental affliction,  sadness, disgrace, misfortunes and stolen property,

Eleventh house: This eleventh house refers to gains, greed, elder brother, friends, acquisitions, freedom from misery.

For every Ascendant, a planet, becomes functional benefic, functional malefic or functional neutral depending on the lordship of the house. Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefic, Sun is considered to be evil, waning Moon and combust Mercury are also malefic.  Jupiter and Venus are natural benefic. Lord of 6th , 8th and 12th house are functional malefic. Trishadayesh i.e lord of 3rd house, 6th house and 11th house are also considered as malefic.  A planet that becomes the lord  who is simultaneously lord of Trik and Trishaya houses will be called strongest functional malefic.

Also, when a benefic planet becomes the lord of Kendra he loses his power to give benefic result due to Kendradhipati Dosha whereas a malefic planet becomes functional benefic. If a benefic planet is placed in Kendra without being the lord of Trik houses (6th house, 8th house, or 12th house), it is good and in this condition that benefic planet gives benefic results.

When a benefic planet becomes the lord of Trik or Trishadaya houses or is placed in this group he loses his power to give his natural benefic results. While when a malefic planet becomes lord of trik and trashadaya  houses or is positioned in it he has also to lose his natural malefic power and give benefic results.

One thing to be remembered the about 11th house is that it also apart of Upachaya group, the house of gains and fulfillment, so for the planet placed in this house is considered to be good.  Some astrologers believe that for health 11th house lord is not good.