Identification of the Question

You have studied a lot about the identification of a question in the last chapter. Various new ways of identification of a question are being told in this chapter. In this series, let us first understand the rules of Shatpanchashika.

  • When there is a planet for which the Navamansha is in ascendant and the planet is having aspect on ascendant, fifth house and ninth house while being present in its own Navamansha then there will be a Dhatu Chinta.
  • When there is a planet for which the Navamansha is in ascendant and the planet is having aspect on ascendant, fifth house and ninth house while being present in the Navamansha of any other planet, then there will be a Jeev Chinta.
  • When a planet’s Navamansha is not in ascendant, the planet is not in its Navamansha and it is forming a relationship with ascendant, fifth house and ninth house, then there will be Mul Chinta.

The rules stated above are based on Shatpanchashika. Some more rules are made in current times for the identification of a question. These rules are as follows:

  • The lord of Nakshatra of Moon which means that the question will be related to the house of the lord of Moon or the planet in a Prashna Kundali (The question will be according to the karaka element of the planet). The question can also be analysed according to the Nakshatra of the lord of ascendant in a Prashna Kundali.
  • When there is a planet which has a Parashari aspect on ascendant from minimum distance, then the question will be related to the Karka element of that planet.
  • When a planet which has minimum distance Ithashal with the lord of ascendant, then there may be a question or Chinta related to that planet. The minimum Ithashal of Moon can also be analysed.
  • The question may also be related to the planets whose degrees are at minimum distance from ascendant or Moon from the ascendant of a Prashna Kundali.

If an Itthashal Yoga is formed between the lord of ascendant and seventh house or fifth house, then the question of the questioner will be related to his or her life-partner or children. Apart from this, other things can also be analysed according to the Karka elements of the seventh or fifth house.