Calculation of Sthir Dasha

Maha Dasha.

The calculation of Jaimini Sthir Dasha is very straight and simple. The count of Sthir dasha begins from the hosue in which the Brahma is situated. In this calculation it is not required to calculate Char Sthir and Dwi-Swabhava signs. In this the dasha of Char signs is for 7 years. The dasha of Sthir signs is for 8 years.The signs of Dwi-Swabhava has a dasha of 9 years. The years for the dasha of Sthir riashi are determined, and  not even a single point is reduced in this dasha. In this dasha the sequence of sings moves in direct order.

  • Char Signs(1,4,7,10)- 7 years
  • Sthir Signs(2,5,8,11)- 8 years
  • Dwi-Swabhava Signs(3,6,9,12)-9 years.

Calculation of Antardasha in Sthir Dasha.

The sequence of Antardasha is simple similar to that of Mahadasha .If the Mahadasha begins with the Aries sign, then the first Antardasha will also begin from the Aries Sign.Rest of the dasha will go according to the order.In Char Rashi the Antardasha of each sign is of 7 months. In Sthir sign, the Antardasha iof each sign is of 8 months and 9 months for Dwi-Swabhava signs. This dasha has a fixed order of Antardasha .

Sequence of Pratyantar Dasha.

Every 12th part of the Antardasha in the Pratyantar dasha order , every sign will be the Pratyanter Dasha. According to this the Pratyantar Dasha of char signs is of 17 days, 2 hours. Sthir Rashi has a Pratyantar Dasha of 20 days, and 22 days 12 hours are for Dwi-Swabhava signs.

We hope that the reader might have understood that order of Sthir Dasha in the Kundli.