Lakshmi Mantra – Lakshmi Puja – Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is considered to be the goddess of wealth and prosperity. A person who attains blessings the goddess Lakshmi gets freedom from all kind of sufferings, poverty and troubles of life. She represents wealth, prosperity, beauty and gentleness. She belongs to the highest power of the goddess. She is the form of fortune and originator of power, who generates attraction, attachments and greed. A person who worships her and recites her prayers gets relief from sufferings in life.

Goddess Lakshmi should be worshipped everyday. Observing Vaibhav lakshmi fast on friday is considered to be very beneficial in terms of wealth, fortune and prosperity. The devotee should worship the goddess with white flowers, white sandalwood powder, rice and offer kheer as prasad which is distributed among all the members of the family after the puja. The observer should eat meal only once in a day. This fast is ritually kept for either 11 or 21 fridays.  He is blessed with prosperity, fortune and fame.

The prasad is made with clove, sugar crystals, cardamom, kapur etc and offered to the goddess. The observer should also offer fruits to to the goddess as per his potency and light lamp in front of the idol. He who is blessed by the goddess achieves tremendous gain and wealth. On Deepavali Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped by everyone with full faith and dedication. It is believed that worshipping the goddess in Diwali takes away all the sorrows. Chant “Om Mahalakshmaye Namah” while offering prayers to the goddess on this auspicious day.

The form of goddess Lakshmi is explained in a very beautifying way in various hindu scriptures. Worshipping the goddess on Friday eradicates all problems from life such as poverty, obstacles in business and job, unexpected expenses and losses etc. One can attain the blessings of the goddess by worshipping her with full faith by chanting mantras.

The observer should spread a red cloth on a raised wooden platform and establish the idol of the goddess. Bathe the idol with raw milk and Ganga jal and offer flowers and red sandalwood to the idol. Worship the goddess while chanting the below given mantra for prosperity and happiness.

Lakshmi Pooja Mantra

“Om Shri Mahalakshmaye Namah। and “Om Hreem Shree Kreem Kalin Shree Mahalakshmi Mam Greh Dhanam Puraya Puraya Chintya Durya Swaha ।”

The observer should also chant the name of the goddess 108 times with rosary while sitting on a clean platform. Worshipping the goddess according to the rituals mentioned in the ancient scriptures, helps the person gain prosperity and gains. Friday is considered to be an auspicious day to worship Vaibhav Lakshmi. Also, reciting Shree Sutak Path gives fruitful results.

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Akshay Tritiya 2025 – Akshaya Tritiya Story

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej is one of the most auspicious festival of Hindus. It celebrated in India on the third day of the bright phase of Vaishakh month (April-May), when the Sun and Moon are in exalted state. It is believed that a person who does charity and sacred deeds such as homas, fasting, donation etc on this day, get very auspicious results.

The day of Akshaya Tritiya is traditionally known as the birthday of  lord Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. On this day people all around the country conduct special Pujas, bathe in holy rivers, make charity and worship lord Ganesha & Devi Lakshmi to get blessings in form of overall wealth and prosperity. Akha Teej also marks the beginning of summers. It is the only time of the year when both the Sun and the Moon  are simultaneously at their peak of brightness. Farmers celebrate this time of crop ripening by observing fasts and organizing fairs.

The word “Akshaya” means, “undiminishing”. This is why this day is considered to be a good time to bring home goddess Lakshmi, in any form such as gold, silver or platinum. It is believed, that valuable items bought on this day are considered to bring success or good fortune. Being an ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity, gold is the most popular ornament bought on Akshaya Tritiya. Auspicious works such as, weddings, beginning of a new business ventures, and long journeys are performed on this day.

Akshaya Teej Story

The most famous legend of Akshaya Tritiya is about lord Krishna and Sudama. Sudama was lord Krishna’s poor Brahmin childhood friend. On the day of Akshaya Tritya, Sudama came over to Krishna’s palace to request him for some financial help. Before leaving the house, Sudama’s wife gave him a handful of of beaten rice or ‘poha’, to give it to Krishna as a gift from a friend , as it is not considered auspicious to visit someone’s house barehanded.

On reaching the palace of Krishna, Sudama realized that the materialistic difference between him and Krishna and was ashamed to give the pouch of rice to Krishna. But, Krishna took the pouch of ‘poha’ from him and relished having it. Krishna followed the principle of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ or ‘the guest is like God’ and treated Sudama like a king. His poor friend was so overwhelmed by the warmth and hospitality shown by Krishna, that he could not ask for the financial favor and came home empty handed. When he reached his place, he saw that his old small hut had transformed into a palace. He found his family dressed in royal attire and everything around was royal and expensive. Sudama understood  that it was a boon from his dear friend Krishna, who blessed him with more than the wealth he actually intended to ask for. SInce that day, Akshaya Tritiya has been associated with material gains and wealth acquisition.

According to another legend, during the time of the Mahabharata,  Pandavas received the Akshaya Pathram (bowl) from lord Krishna which would never go empty and produce an unlimited supply of food on demand.

Significance of charity on Akshaya Tritya

Sacred deeds, charity, donations, austerities, holy bath etc have special significance on Akshaya Tritiya. Taking bath in holy rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna is considered  very auspicious on this day.

Donating articles and things such as clothes, water, foods items etc which can be used in summers is also considered auspicious. Goddess Parvati should be worshipped with wheat, channa, curd, milk, kheer, sugarcane, gold, clothes, water pot etc on this day. Akshaya Tritiya is believed to be the festival for accomplishing enormous prosperity.

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Shivashtak – Shivashtakam

Lord Shiva can be easily impressed. Once impressed, Lord Shiva eradicates all the problems and frees his devotees from all kind of sorrows. A person benefits from his blessings and is able to understand his own existence. The magnificence of Lord Shiva has been mentioned in the Puranas, Vedas and Shastras. He is the supreme power who is worshipped by everyone in the form of Trayambakam Shiva, Nirakar, Onkar, Lingkar etc.

Lord Shiva blesses his devotees and frees them from all kinds of problems. Lord Shiva has been said to be forgiving, generous and compassionate in the ancient scriptures. Lord Shiva protected the Earth by decreasing the flow of Ganga river with his hair. He also protected the Earth by drinking poison during the battle between Devas and Demons.

A devotee should take a bath and wear clean white clothes. He should worship Lord Shiva in a temple, with a pure heart. Sandalwood, clothes, rice, Bel leaves, flowers, fruits etc. should be dedicated to Lord Shiva. Ashtak have been written for the worship of Lord Shiva. Shivashtak, Lingashtak and Rudrashtak are the famous ones.

Thasmai nama parama karana karanaya,
Deepthojjwalitha pingala lochanaya,
Nagendra hara krutha kundala bhooshanaya,
Brahmendra Vishnu varadaya Nama Shivaya.

Srimath prasanna sasi pannaga bhooshanaya,
Shailendraja vadana chumbitha lochanaya,
Kailasa mandara mahendra nikethanaya,
Loka trayarthi haranaya nama shivaya.

Padmavadatha mani kundala govrushaya,
Krishnagaru prachura chandana charchithaya,
Basamanushaktha vikachothpala mallikaya,
Neelabhja kanda sadrusaya namashivaya.

Lambathsa pingala jata makutothkataya,
Damshtra karala vikatothkata bhairavaya,
Vyagara jinambaradharaya manoharaya,
Trilokya natha namithaya namashivaya.

Daksha prajapathi maha makha nasanaya,
Kshipram maha Tripura dhanava gathanaya,
Brahmorjithordhwaga karoti nikrunthanaya,
Yogaya, yoganamithaya namashivaya.

Samsara srushti ghatana parivarthanaya,
Raksha pisacha gana sidha samakulaya,
Sidhoragagraha ganendra nishevithaya,
Sardhoola charma vasanaya Nama Shivaya.

Basmanga raga krutha roopa manoharaya,
Soumyaavadatha vanamasrithamasrithaya,
Gowri kataksha nayanardha nireekshnaya,
Go ksheera dhara davalaya nama shivaya.

Adithya Soma Varuna anila sevithaya,
Yagnagni hothra vara dhooma nikethanaya,
Rik sama veda munibhi sthuthi samyuthaya,
Gopaya gopa namithaa nama shivaya.

These phrases explain the magnificence of Lord Shiva. According to Shivashtak, Lord Shiva is the supreme power and the reason for everything. He has eyes which are similar to fire and wears a snake around his neck. Lord Shiva blesses even Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra.

It further explains that Lord Shiva wears the clear moon and the snake as ornaments. His eyes are kissed by the daughter of the mountain and he lives in the Kailasa peak and Mahendra mountain. Lord Shiva is the one who eradicates the sorrow of the people of three worlds. Lord Shiva was the one who destroyed Daksha Prajapati’s yagya and Tripurasur.

Lord Shiva is the one who can change the course of anything. He controls everything and resides in everything. Lord Shiva is as pure as the white color. He resides in the Sun, Moon, air, yagyas etc. All the Vedas and saints worship him.

This way, a person should read Ashtaks written to worship Lord Shiva. Reading them eradicates all problems and a person is able to live prosperous life.

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Importance of a bath in the Gangas

India is a country with a lot of holy rivers. Rivers have been given special importance in India. Ganga river is worshipped all around the country. This is the reason why Ganga river is considered to be a mother. Taking a bath in the Ganges is extremely important for Hindus. Ganga river is associated with both life and death. A person taking a bath in the Ganges is free from all kinds of problems. The origination point of river Ganga is known as Gangotri.

A story is famous about how river Ganga came to this Earth. According to this story, King Bhagirath wanted river Ganga to visit the planet. He wanted prosperity for his subjects. The King offered his prayers and austerities to Goddess Ganga. She was impressed and came to this Earth eventually. She came to this Earth in the form of seven streams which were named Hradini, Pawini, Nalini, Suchakshu, Sita, Mahanadi and Sindhu. The story of Ganga’s birth has been mentioned in Skanda Purana, Valmiki Ramayana etc.

Ganga – Path to salvation

A person is blessed and gets auspicious results when he takes a bath in the Ganges. Ganga river has been believed to be a Goddess in Hindu religion. A lot of holy places are situated on the banks of river Ganga. Ganga river is believed to be the holiest river in India. According to beliefs, taking a bath in Ganges frees a person from all sorts of problems. People feel that being born or dying near the banks of river Ganga lets them attain salvation. Even the ashes of a dead body are poured in the Ganges. People usually meditate and worship on the banks of river Ganga.

Ganga is considered to be important in all kinds of religious activities. The water of river Ganga is considered to be holy. Ganga can be associated with a lot of different festivals and rituals. These include, Ganga Dusshera, Makar Sankranti and Kumbh. A lot of different fairs are also organized on the banks of river Ganga. River Ganges unites the whole country culturally. A lot of different scriptures have been written which praise river Ganga. These include Sri Ganga Sahasranama Stotram.

Taking a bath in the Ganges provides a person with prosperity and success. It is believed that people with a Mangalik dosha receive auspicious results when they take a bath in the Ganges. Following the right principles of Ganga worship gives auspicious results. Taking a bath in river Ganga also minimizes the effects of inauspicious results. On the day of Amavasya, people visit the banks of river Ganga to offer prayers to the dead people and other religious activities.

According to another legend, river Ganga originated from Lord Vishnu’s thumb. She visited the Earth due to the efforts of King Bhagirath, whose ancestors were turned to ashes due to the curse of Saint Kapil. Ganga came to be known as Bhagirathi due to the same reason.

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Shiva Mahimna Stotram

Lord Shiva’s worship gives auspicious results and fulfills all desires. Lord Shiva’s worship includes his Jalabhishek along with a lot of other remedies in order to impress him. Shiva stotra is also read, which is able to give a lot of auspicious results. Lord Shiva’s magnificence has been explained in these stotras. Shiva Mahimna stotra eradicates all kinds of problems.

Shiva Mahimna Stotra Story

Shiva Mahimna Stotra explains the personified and body less aspects of Lord Shiva. According to Puranic beliefs, this Stotra was originally created by weak and powerless Gandharvaraaja Pushpa Dant. Pushpa Dant impressed Lord Shiva and acquired his powers in return. According to legends, there was a king named Chitrarath. He was totally devoted to Lord Shiva. He created a beautiful garden. Chitrarath used the flowers of this garden to worship Lord Shiva. But one day, Pushpa Dant established his control over the garden.

Pushpa Dant started stealing the flowers from the garden. Chitrarath was worried and laid the flowers dedicated to Lord Shiva on the ground of the garden. Pushpa Dant crushed these flowers with his feet. Though this was unintentional, but Pushpa Dant lost all his strength and powers. In order to gain his powers, Pushpa Dant created this Stotra. Lord Shiva was impressed by his dedication and gave him back his powers. A person reading this stotra is blessed by Lord Shiva and all his desires are fulfilled.

Shiv Mahimna Stotra

Mahimnah param te parama vidusho yadyasadrishi

stutir brahma dina mapitadava sannastvayi girah,

atha vacyah sarvah svamati parina mavadhi grinan

mamapyeshah stotre hara nirapavadah parikarah

Atitah panthanam tava ca mahima vanmanasayor

atad vyavrttya yam cakita mabhi dhatte shrutirapi,

sa kasya stotavyah katividha gunah kasya vishayah

pade tvarvacine patati na manah kasya na vacah

Madhu sphita vacah paramam amritam nirmitavatas

tava brahman kim vag api suraguror vismaya padam,

mama tvetam vanim guna kathana punyena bhavatah

punam ityarthe’smin puramathana buddhir vyavasita

Tavaisvaryam yat taj jagadudaya raksa  pralayakrit

trayivastu vyastam tisrishu guna-bhinnasu tanushu,

abhavyanam asmin varada ramaniyama ramanim

vihantum vyakrosim vidadhata ihaike jadadhiyah

Kimihah kimkayah sa khalu kimupaya stribhuvanam

kimadharo dhata srijati kimupadana iti ca,

atarkyaish varye tvay yanavasara duhstho hatadhiyah

kutarko’yam kamshcin mukharayati mohaya jagatah

Ajanmano lokah kimavayava vanto’pi jagatam

adhisthataram kim bhavavidhir-anadritya bhavati,

anisho va kuryad bhuvana janane kah parikaro

yato mandastvam praty-amaravara samsherata ime

Trayi sankhyam yogah pasupati matam vaishnavamiti

prabhinne prasthane paramidamadah pathyamiti ca,

rucinam vaicitryad riju kutila nana pathajusham

nrinameko gamyas tvamsasi payasa marnava iva

Mahokshah khatvangam parashu-rajinam bhasma haninah

kapalam cetiyat tava varada tantro pakaranam,

surastam tamriddhim dadhati tu bhavad bhru pranihitam

na hi svatma ramam vishaya mriga trishna bhramayati

Dhruvam kascit sarvam sakala mapara stva dhruva midam

paro dhrau vyadhrauvye jagati gadati vyasta vishaye,

samaste’pye tasmin puramathana tair vismita iva

stuvan jihremi tvam na khalu nanu dhrishta mukharata

Tavaisvaryam yatnad yadupari virincir-hari-radhah

paricchettum yatav anala manala skandha vapushah,

tato bhakti sraddha bhara-guru-grinad-bhyam girisha yat

svayam tasthe tabhyam tava kim anuvrittir na phalati

Ayatnadapadya tribhuvanama-vairavya-tikaram

dashasyo yadbahun abhrita ranakandu paravashan,

sthirah padmasreni racita caranam bhoruhabaleh

sthiraya stvad bhaktes tripurahara visphur jitamidam

Amushya tvatseva samadhigata-saram bhujavanam

balat-kailase’pi tvadadhivasatau vikramayatah,

alabhya patale pyalasa-calitan-gustha-shirasi

pratishtha tvayyasid dhruvamupacito muhyati khalah

Yadriddhim sutramno varada paramo-ccairapi satim

adhashcakre banah parijana vidheya tribhuvanah,

na taccitram tasmin varivasitari tvac caranayor

na kasya unnatyai bhavati srirasastvay yavanatih

Akanda brahmanda kshaya cakita devasura kripa

vidheya syasidyas trinayana visham samhrita vatah,

sa kalmashah kanthe tava na kurute na shriya maho

vikaro’pi shlaghyo bhuvana-bhaya-bhangavyasaninah

Asiddhartha naiva kvacidapi sadeva suranare

nivartante nityam, jagati jayino yasya vishikhah,

sa pashyannisa tvam itara surasadharana mabhut

smarah smarta-vyatma na hi vasishu pathyah paribhavah

Mahi padaghatad vrajati sahasa samshaya-padam

padam visnor-bhramyad bhujaparigha-rugna-graha-ganam,

muhur-dyaur-dausthyam yat-­yanibhrita-jata-taditatata

jagad-rakshayai tvam natasi nanu vamaiva vibhuta

Viyad-vyapi tara gana-gunita phenod-gama-rucih

pravaho varam yah prishata-laghu-dristah shirasi te,

jagad-dvipakaram jaladhivalayam tena kritami

tyane-naivon-neyam dhrita-mahima divyam tava vapuh

Rathah kshoni yanta shata-dhriti-ragendro dhanuratho

rathange candrarkau rathacarana-panih shara iti,

didhakshoste ko’yam tripura-trina-madambara-vidhir

vidheyaih kridantyo na khalu paratantrah prabhu-dhiyah

Hariste sahasram kamala-balima-dhaya padayor

yadekone tasmin nija-mudaharan-netra-kamalam,

gato bhaktyu-drekah parinatim-asau cakra-vapusha

trayanam rakshayai tripura-hara jagarti jagatam

Kratau supte jagrat tvamasi phalayoge kratumatam

kva karma pradhvastam phalati purusha-radhana-mrite,

atas-tvam sam-preksya kratusu phala-dana-pratibhuvam

shrutau shraddham baddhva dridha-parikarah karmasu janah

rishinamartvijyam sharanada sadasyah suraganah,

kratu-bhramshas-tvattah kratuphala-vidhana-vyasanino

dhruvam kartuh sraddha vidhura-mabhicaraya hi makhah

Praja-natham natha prasabha-mabhikam svam duhitaram

gatam rohid-bhutam rira-mayishumrishyasya vapusha,

dhanus paner yatam divamapi sapatra kritamamum

trasantam te’dyapi tyajati na mriga-vyadharabhasah

Svalavanya-shamsa dhrita-dhanusha-mahnnaya trinavat

purah plustam drishtva pura-mathana pushpa-yudhamapi,

yadi strainam devi yama-nirata dehardha-ghatana

davaiti tvam-addha bata varada mugdha yuvatayah

Shmashanesva-krida smarahara pishacah sahacarash

cita-bhasma-lepah sragapi nrikaroti-parikarah.

amangalyam shilam tava bhavatu namaiva-makhilam

tathapi smartrinam varada paramam mangalamasi

Manah pratyak-citte savidha-mavadhayatta-marutah

prahrishyadromanah pramada-salilot-sangitadrisah

yada-lokyah-ladam hrada iva nimajya-mritamaye

dadhat-yantas-tattvam kimapi yaminas-tat kila bhavan

Tvamarkas-tvam somas tvamasi pavanas tvam hutavahas

tvamapas-tvam vyoma tvamu dharanir-atma tvamiti ca,

paricchinnam-evam tvayi parinata bibhratu giram

na vidmas-tat-tattvam vayamiha tu yat-tvam na bhavasi

Trayim tisro vrittis tribhuvana-matho trinapi sura

nakaradyair-varnais tribhir-abhi-dadhat-tirnavikriti,

turiyam te dhama dhvanibhi-rava-rundhana-manubhih

samastam vyastam tvam sharanada grinat-yomiti padam

Bhavah sarvo rudrah pasupati-rathograh sahamahan

statha bhime-shanav iti yadabhi-dhana-shtakam-idam,

amushmin-pratyekam pravicarati deva shrutirapi

priyayasmai dhamne pravihita-namasyo’smi bhavate

Namo nedisthaya priyadava davishthaya ca namo

namah kshodisthaya smarahara mahishthaya ca namah

namo varshishthaya trinayana yavishthaya ca namo

namah sarvasmai te tadida-mitisarvaya ca namah

Bahala-rajase vishvot-pattau bhavaya namo namah

prabala-tamase tat-samhare haraya namo namah,

jana-sukhakrite sattvo-driktau mridaya namo namah

pramahasi pade nistraigunye shivaya namo namah

Krisha-parinati cetah klesha-vashyam kva cedam

kva ca tava gunasimol langhini shashva-driddhih,

iti cakita-mamandi kritya mam bhakti-radhad

varada caranayo-ste vakya-pushpo-paharam

Asita-giri-samam syat kajjalam sindhu-patre

sura-taruvara-shakha lekhani patra-murvi,

likhati yadi grhitva sharada sarva-kalam

tadapi tava gunanam isha param na yati

Asura-sura-munindrair arcita-syendu-mauler

grathita-guna-mahimno nirguna-syesvarasya,

sakala-gana-varisthah pushpadanta-bhidhano

rucira-malaghu-vrittaih stotra-metac-cakara

Ahara-harana-vadyam dhurjateh stotra-metat

pathati paramabhaktya shuddhacittah pumanyah.

sa bhavati shivaloke rudra-tulya-stathatra

pracuratara-dhanayuh putravan-kirtimanshca

Maheshannaparo devo mahimno napara stutih,

aghorannaparo mantro nasti tattvam guroh param

Diksha danam tapas tirtham jnanamyaga-dikah kriyah,

mahimnah stava pathasya kallam narhanti shodashim

Kusuma-dashana-nama sarva-gandharva-rajah

shishu-shashadhara-mauler deva-devasya dasah

sa khalu nija-mahimno bhrashta evasya roshat

stavanamidamakarsid divya-divyam mahimnah

Suravaramuni-pujyam sarvagamokshaikahetum

pathati yadi manushyah pranjalir-nanyacetah,

vrajati shiva-samipam kinnaraih stuyamanah

stavanamidamamogham puspadanta-pranitam

Asamapta-midam stotram punyam gandharva bhashitam,

anaupamyam manohari shiva-mishvara-varnanam

Ityesa vanmayi puja shrimac shankara padayoh,

arpita tena devesah priyatam me sadashivah

Tava tattwamna janami kidrishosi maheshwara

yadrashosi mahadeva tadrashaya namo namah

Eka kalam dwikalam wa trikalam yah pathennarah

sarva papa vinirmuktah shivaloke mahiyate

Sri pushpadanta mukha pankaja nirgatena

stotrena kilbisha harena hara-priyena,

kanthas thitena pathitena samahitena

suprinito bhavati bhutapatir maheshah

Ithi Sri Pushpadanta Virachith Shiva Mahimna Stotram Samaptham

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Mantra for success | Shiva Panchakshari Mantra | Shiva Panchakshar Stotra

Shiva Panchakshari Stotra is very effective in impressing Lord Shiva and acquiring his blessings. Lord Shiva’s worship and fast are also extremely important. People worshipping Lord Shiva and keeping his fasts are believed to go to heaven on completion of this life. Chanting this mantra on Chaturdashi is very effective. A person chanting this mantra receives results equivalent to all pilgrimages. People void of Lord Shiva’s worship are usually stuck in the circle of life and death.

Devotees worship Lord Shiva and keep his fasts so that Lord Shiva is impressed and all their desires are fulfilled. Bel leaves should be dedicated to a Shiva Linga. Datura flowers should also be used for Lord Shiva’s worship. Bel leaves and Datura flowers are Lord Shiva’s favorite. Therefore, these should be used in Lord Shiva’s worship. Om Namah Shivaya should be chanted 108 times on this day. Maha Mrityunjaya mantra should also be chanted. A person chanting this mantra is free from all kinds of obstacles.

A person blessed by Lord Shiva achieves success and lives a prosperous life. Many mantras and sadhanas have been written in order to impress Lord Shiva. One of the most important of these is Shiva Panchakshari mantra. Chanting this everyday impresses Lord Shiva and a person is blessed by him.

Shiv Panchakshar Stotra

Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya
Bhasmangaragaya Maheshvaraya
Nityaya Shuddhaya Digambaraya
Tasmai Nakaraya Namah Shivaya

Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya
Nandishvara pramathanatha Maheshvaraya
Mandarapushpa bahupushhpa supujitaya
Tasmai Makaraya Namah Shivaya

Shivaya Gauri vadanabjavrunda
Suryaya Dakshadhvara Nashakaya
Shrinilakanthaya Vrushhadhvajaya
Tasmai Shikaraya Namah Shivaya

Vasishhtha kumbhodbhava gautamarya
Munindra devarchita shekharaya .
Chandrarkavaishvanara lochanaya
Tasmai Vakaraya Namah Shivaya

Yakshasvarupaya Jatadharaya
Pinakahastaya Sanatanaya
Divyaya Devaya Digambaraya
Tasmai Yakaraya Namah Shivaya

Panchaksharamidam Punyam Yah Pathechchhivasannidhau.
Shivalokamavapnoti Shivena Saha Modate

Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya
Bhasmangaragaya Maheshvaraya
Nityaya Shuddhaya Digambaraya
Tasmai Nakaraya Namah Shivaya

The meaning of this Stotra can be explained as : I offer my humble salutations to Lord Mahesvara – who has a garland of serpents around the neck; who has three eyes, whose body is covered with ash, who is eternal, pure, who has the entire sky as his dress and who is embodied as the first letter Na. I bow to Lord Mahesvara, who is embodied as Makaara (letter Ma), whose body is anointed with holy waters from the river Ganges and sandal paste, who is the sovereign king of the Pramatha Ganas and who is adorned with innumerable divine flowers such as Mandaara.

I offer my salutations to Lord Shiva, who is the resplendent sun for mother Gauri’s lotus face, who is the destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice ritual, who is the blue necked Lord, whose banner bears the emblem of a bull and who is embodied as the letter Shi. I prostrate before the God of Gods, who is worshipped and prayed to by great sages such as Vashishta, Agastya and Gautama, whose eyes are sun, moon and the fire and who is embodied as Vakaara, the letter Va. Prostrartions to the sacred Lord who is the Yaksa incarnate, whose hair are long and matted, who holds Pinaaka (trident) in his hand, who has the entire sky as his attire and who is embodied as the letter Ya.

In this way, a person chanting this stotra is blessed by Lord Shiva and goes to heaven.

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Remedies for a prosperous life

A lot of remedies have been mentioned in the shastras which lead to a prosperous life. Some principles have been mentioned in Vedas, Upanishads and religious scriptures. Following these principles lead to success, prosperity and happiness. These principles help in the upliftment of oneself and the society. One such principle lies in the concept of Om Prajnanam Brahma. This means that Lord Brahma is the supreme power. He is powerful, strong, intelligent and indestructible. He is the lord of truth, honesty and intelligence.

To understand the concept mentioned above, it is necessary that you have a pure heart. Brahma’s knowledge leads to the path of salvation. It is the source of life which is omnipresent. This knowledge controls our mind and the body. Understanding this knowledge lets us control our mind and pride. It further leads to a better understanding of life and subsequently salvation.

Om Aham Brahmasmi -This means ‘I am Brahma’. When a person understand lord Brahma, he becomes a part of him. This eradicates any gap or space between the lord and the person. Such a person is able to understand the importance of sacrifice and helps others in life. He does not differentiate among people on the basis of language, religion etc.

Om Tatvamasi – This chat explain that the lord is Brahma. Lord Brahma existed even before the creation of Earth or anything else. Even today, he is the one who controls everything from the beginning till the end. Lord Brahma is known as Tatvamasi for the same reason. This explains that every person is the same. There is no difference in one being from another. Lord Brahma resides in every body. But, he is still from it. Lord Brahma is only connected to the soul. He is close as well as far from the whole world.

Om Ayam Atma Brahma -This chat means ‘This soul is Brahma’. Soul is the life source of everything. It is also a form of Lord Brahma which resides in everything and everyone. Lord Brahma is omnipresent and resides in every form.

By understanding these concepts, a person can be free from the circle of life and death. He can assure himself of success and prosperity. These concepts give a new direction to life. This knowledge can be understood through Sadhana and Dhyana. A teacher can preach this knowledge to his students. A person who gains this knowledge is able to attain salvation. This way, a person eradicates the distance between him and god.

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Shiva Chaturdashi | Shiva Chaturdashi Fast

According to Hindu Shastras, Shivratri is celebrated on Chaturdashi of Krishna Paksha every month. According to religious beliefs, Lord Shiva is the Lord of Chaturdashi in a Panchang. Besides this, it is also believed that the holy Jyotirling were created on Chaturdashi. Due to all these beliefs, Lord Shiva is worshipped on Chaturdashi. Fasts are also kept on this day. It is believed that worshipping Lord Shiva and fasting on this day provides results equivalent to an Ashwamedha yagya. Shiva stotras and Om Namah Shivaya should also be chanted. A jagran should be carried out at night. On the second day of the fast, you should donate clothes, food etc. to Brahmanas.

Shiva Chaturdashi worship

On the day of Shiva Chaturdashi, Lord Shiva is worshipped along with his whole family. The worship begins with an Abhishek of Lord Shiva. Water, milk, curd, pure ghee, honey, jaggery, sugar, ganges water and sugar cane juice should be used in this abhishek. Once abhishek is done, Lord Shiva is worshipped with Bel leaves, Sami leaves, Kusha and Doob. In the end, Bhang, Datura and Sri fal are used in order to impress Lord Shiva. A fast should be kept on the day of Chaturdashi.

In the night, one should take a bath and worship Lord Shiva. Reciting his mantras while using a mala is auspicious. Lord Shiva’s devotees worship him with total dedication and devotion. Importance of Lord Shiva’s worship has been explained in Rigveda. The following mantras should be chanted on Chaturdashi.

  • Panchakshari Mantra
  • One mala of Om Namah Shivaya everyday
  • One mala of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. This solves all kinds of problems

A person is relieved from sorrows, diseases and fears with the help of these mantras. Such a person acquires longevity. Along with this, Rudra abhishek is also beneficial for devotees.

Importance of Shivaratri fast

It is believed that this fast can be kept by anyone. A person keeping this fast attains salvation. This fast frees a person from all sins. Udyapan should be carried out after fasting according to the principles.

Various things used in Lord Shiva’s worship include Panchamrit (Ganges water, milk, curd, ghee and honey), flowers, new clothes, Bitwa leaves, dhoop, deep, naivedya, sandalwood, Ritu fruit etc. This worship is carried out all day. Each phase of the day should comprise of chants of Om Namah Shivaya and Shivaya Namah. If it is not possible to chant these mantras in a temple, you should do this in the eastern direction of your house. These mantras give immense blessings and benefits. Lord Shiva is impressed if Rudra abhishek is done along with this fast.

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Knowledge of Param Brahma through spiritual consciousness

Almost all the shastras have tried to understand the concept of Param Brahma, which is known to be the supreme knowledge. This knowledge can be acquired by following Sanyas Dharma. Param Brahma knowledge can be acquired by following the principles of Yoga, sadhana and sanyas. Various mantras of these practices also help a lot. We can not acquire this knowledge by just preaching. Param Brahma knowledge can only be acquired through the principles of sanyas and walking the path to salvation.

Some concepts about Brahma have been mentioned in Hindu religion. It is believed that Brahma is omnipresent and has immense power. Param Brahma is believed to be even more powerful than Brahma. It comprises of everything including mind, thoughts, knowledge, vedas, shastras, mantras, science, astrology etc. To fully understand the immense knowledge of Param Brahma is not possible.

Param Brahma is not associated with money, lust, greed, power or nature. This knowledge can not be explained through words. It is a higher knowledge which can only be preached by Lord Brahma himself. All the Vedas explain the magnificence of Param Brahma. Param Brahma is the core of every living and nonliving being.

Vedas tell us different ways through which we can acquire this great knowledge. A better knowledge of Param Brahma has been imparted through a conversation of various saints.

To understand the concept of Param Brahma, it is important to understand the concept of Brahma, which is the life source for everything on this Earth. This is not only the life source for everything, but also enlightens everyone. Brahma is free from any connections with kings and it is indestructible, pure and strong.

Starting from the soul, Brahma creates everything. Param Brahma blinds a person of itself so that no one can understand the concept of Param Brahma. A person understanding Param Brahma is like a sanyasi who lives in isolation from everyone.

A sanyasi and Brahma are synchronized with each other perfectly. Param Brahma provides a person with results according to his karma. Param Brahma works like a sanyasi, without any attachment to anyone.

Sanyas dharma has been explained in order to fully understand the concept of Param Brahma. Brama was alone before the creation of the Earth. It was the only truth which resides in everything. To understand this power, yoga sadhana is carried out. Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi help in understanding the concept of Param Brahma.

Param Brahma knowledge can be acquired by following the principles of sanyas. A pure heart along with yagyopaveet allows you to understand the concept of Param Brahma. Both internal and external knowledge of yagyopaveet is necessary in order to acquire the immense knowledge of Param Brahma.

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Devshayani Ekadashi 2025

Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha in the Ashad month is known as Devshayani Ekadashi. This month, Devshayani Ekadashi will be celebrated on 6th July  2025. Chatur Mass will also be beginning from this day. Devshayani Ekadashi is also known as Hari Shayani Ekadashi, Padmanabha and Prabodhini. Devshayani fast is considered to be the most important of all. A person fasting on this day is free from all sort of problems.

All his wishes are fulfilled and he is blessed by the Lord. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. Worshipping Lord Vishnu is considered to be very important on Devshayani Ekadashi. It is believed that Lord Vishnu’s resting time begins from this day. The resting time of Lord Vishnu is believed to be for four months which begins from the day of Devshayani Ekadashi.

Importance of Hari Shayani Ekadashi

A detailed explanation of Devshayani or Hari Shayani Ekadashi has been given in Puranas. Beginning from this day, Lord Vishnu resides in the underworld for a duration of four months. Lord Vishnu goes to the underworld on the day of Ekadashi in the Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. He stays there for four months and comes back when Sun enters Libra sign. This day is known as Devothani Ekadashi. During these four months, Lord Vishnu resides and rests in the Kshir Sagar. Therefore, religious activities are not carried out during these four months.

Devshayani Ekadashi worship

Devshayani fast begins from the night of Dashami. Salt should not be consumed on the night of Dashami. On the next morning, you should wake up early, take a bath and worship Lord Vishnu’s idol with total devotion and dedication. Panchamrit should be used during his worship. Dhoop, deep, flowers etc. should also be used. Tambul and Pungifal should be dedicated to Lord Vishnu before chanting some mantras. Besides this, all the principles of fasting mentioned in the Shastras should be strictly followed.

Devshayani Ekadashi Fast story

There is a famous story associated with Prabodhini Ekadashi. There was a king named Mandhata who belonged to the Surya dynasty. He was honest, magnificent and energetic. He considered his subjects as a part of his own family. Mandhata’s kingdom was always prosperous. But once, there was a draught in the kingdom. All the subjects went to the King’s palace and asked for his help. Mandhata did not have any solution to this problem and proceeded towards the jungle in order to find one. On his way, he visited Saint Angira’s asylum. Saint Angira’s was lord Brahma’s son. The king discussed his problem with Saint Angira, who advised him to fast on Ekadashi. As advised, the king kept a fast on Ekadashi and was free of all his problems. A person fasting on this day should control his feelings, behaviour, food etc. Ekadashi fast guides a person to walk on the path of salvation and freedom.

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