Mahatara Jayanti – Mahatara Jayanti 2025 – Mahatara Jayanti Festival – Devi Tara

Mahatara Jayanti is celebrated all over India with a lot of excitement. This year, Mahatara Jayanti will be celebrated on 05 April, 2025. Worshipping Maa Tara on the Navmi Tithi of Chaitra month and Shukla Paksha is considered to be extremely important for Tantriks. Bhagvati Tara is one of the ten Maha Vidyas. Devi Tara is considered to be the aggressive form of the Goddess related to Sun’s destructive powers.  When there are a lot of problems in a person’s life and there is no solution, Ma Tara makes her presence felt by eradicating all of his problems and sins.

Devi Tara is another form of Goddess Shakti. Worshipping her provides a person with knowledge, science and happiness. Devi Tara is also known as Tarini Vidya. Aggressive form of Tara, Ekjata and Neel Saraswati are her forms. It is believe that Devi Tara defeats a person’s enemies and provides a person with success and salvation.

Origin of Devi Mahatara

There was darkness all around before the origin of the Earth. There was no energy and the Goddess of this darkness was Ma Kali. A ray of light originated in this darkness which came to be known as Tara. Tara is the power of a saint named, Akshobhya. Tara is believed to be Swamini Devi of every Pind in the universe. She originated at the time of the origin of the Earth and that is why she came to be known as Devi Mahatara.

Devi Tara is also known as Mahaneela and Neeltara. There is a legend famous for these names. According to the legend, during the battle at the sea between the Devas and the Demons, a lot of things came out of the sea. When poison came out, all the three Loks were terrified and faced immense danger. All the saints and Devas asked for Lord Shiva’s help. Lord Shiva drank the poison and saved the world. He help the poison in his throat due to which, his whole body turned blue. When Devi realized Lord Shiva’s suffering, she entered Lord Shiva’s body and decreased the poison’s effect, which gave him some relief. But, even Devi’s body started turning blue because of the poison. Lord Shiva then called her Mahaneela. She came to be known as Neeltara because of the same.

There are three main forms of Devi : Ugratara, Ekjata and Neel. Saraswati Devi provides Lord Brahma with power. Devi has seven different powers due to which she is able to save the people, world and the universe. These seven powers are : Para, Paratpara, Ateeta, Chitpara, Tatpara, Tadteeta and Sarwateeta. A person receives immense energy by worshipping Devi. A devotee of Devi Tara has immense knowledge. She is known as Maha Vidya as she provides a person with both happiness and salvation.

Worship of Mahatara

Worshipping Devi Mahatara provides a person with vocal powers, saves him from enemies and provides salvation. The following Devi Mantra should be chanted : Stri Hun Han Hun Fatt. This Panchakshari Mantra provides a person with stability and success. Devi Tara is a form of Mata Bhagvati. She provides the whole world with light and life.

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