Chaturdashi of Shukla Paksha of the Kartik month is known as Vaikunth Chaturdashi. In 2025, the fast will be kept on 4 November. Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are worshipped to end this fast. This day is also known as Baikunth Chaudas. Devotees keep a fast on this day. This fast is kept on the day of Kartik Shukla Chaturdashi. Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are worshipped on this day. A fast is kept which ends at the time of dawn on the next day.
Rituals To Perform Vaikunth Chaturdashi
There are certain rituals that should be followed to worship Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with flowers, lamps, sandalwood etc. Devotees should recite Bhagavad gita and Shri Sukta and offer Lotus flower for the puja. Itb is believed that those who worship Lord Vishnu and listen to the story on this day, get relief from all sufferings of life. Worshipping Lord Vishnu with mantra and stotram path on this day takes a person to Baikunth dham after his death.
Vaikunth Chaturdashi Historical Importance
Once upon a time, Narad Muni reached Baikunth dham after wandering on the Earth. Lord Vishnu asked him to sit and then asked for the reason behind his visit. Narad Muni said that he felt as if the common people were left out of Lord Vishnu’s blessings and only the people who worshipped him regularly were blessed. Lord Vishnu replied by saying that any person who would worship him on the day of Vaikunth Chaturdashi would be blessed by him and would go to heaven.
Observing fast on Vaikunth Chaturdashi has special importance in Hindu culture. A bath should be taken early in the morning on this day. Clean clothes should then be worn. Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with flowers, lamps, sandal. According to an ancient belief, Lord Vishnu swore that he would offer one thousand Lotus flowers to Lord Shiva in Kashi. Tus, who offer one thousand Lotus flowers to the lord gets relief from all sufferings and go to Baikunth dham after death. The devotees should light 14 diyas at the bank of the river in the evening.
Significance of Vaikuntha Chaturdashi
Kartik Shukla Chaturdashi is a symbol of the unity between Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. According to an ancient belief, Lord Vishnu swore that he would offer one thousand Lotus flowers to Lord Shiva in Kashi. Lord Shiva tested Lord Vishnu by decreasing the number of flowers by one. Lord Vishnu was then ready to offer his one eye in place of the flower.
Lord Shiva was impressed and appeared in front of him. Lord Shiva then said that Kartik Shukla Chaturdashi will be known as Kartik Baikunth Chaudas. Lord Shiva offered the Sudarshan Chakra to Lord Vishnu on this very day. On this day, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva said that the doors of heaven will be opened. A person fasting on this day would secure his place in heaven.
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