Mahavir Jayanti – Mahavir Jayanti 2025 – Vardhaman Mahavira Birthday

Vardhaman Mahavir’s birth is celebrated as Mahavir Jayanti. Mahavir Jayanti will be celebrated on 10 April 2025. Vardhaman Mahavir was the 24th Tirthankar from the line of Lord Adinath in Jain religion. It is believed that he lived from 511 A.D to 527 A.D. Mahavir was born in a royal family as a prince. His father’s name was King Siddhartha and his mother was known as Priyakarini. He was born in the Vaishali district.

He left his home when he was 30 years old and acquired Kaivalya (Lord Brahma’s knowledge). Mahavir tried to spread Parsavnath’s knowledge in order to build roots of Jainism. Mahavir tried to establish Jain religion by devotion and dedication. He is known by many different names including Arhat, Jin, Nirgrath, Mahavur, Ativir etc.

Mahavira Biography

Mahavir was born as a prince in royal family on the day of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Trayodashi in Basokunda district of Vaishali. His was known as Vardhaman during his childhood. He was born to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala who belonged to Lichhavi community. Mahavir talked about Jain religion and worked for everyone’s welfare.

People of Jain religion celebrate this day as Mahavir Jayanti. They celebrate it with a lot of zeal, excitement and devotion. It is believed that Mahavir offered rigorous austerities and got control of his mind and soul. He was known as Mahavir for the same reason.

Mahavir Jayanti Festival

Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated as a day of being victorious over life with the help of austerities. Devotees give a bath to Mahavir’s idol in different temples. This bath is known as Abhishek. A rally is also organized in which the idol is place on a chariot. A huge crowd can be seen in these rallies and processions. Devotees offer fruits, rice, water etc. to Mahavir on this day.

Mahavir’s birth is celebrated every year on the day of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Trayodashi. He was the last of 24 Tirthankars. Jain devotees organize rallies and processions starting from the morning on the day of Mahavir Jayanti. After this, Mahavir’s Abhishek is done and flags are fixed at the top of the temples. Many other religious practices also take place on this day.

Mahavir acquired Kaivalya or immense knowledge on the day of Vaishakh Shukla Dashami while sitting under a Sal tree in Manohar forests. He was 42 years old at that time and offered austerities on the banks of Trijukula river in Jubhika village. He was known as Mahavir after acquiring this knowledge.

During the time when Mahavir lived, there were a lot of different norms and traditions in the society. Many of these were unethical and exploiting. Mahavir traveled all around India ad tried to abolish superstition and other false beliefs. He established dharma and focused on peace.

Mahavira’s Teachings

Mahavir worked for the welfare of the people. He gave a message to walk on the path of truth and peace. He also explained five mahavrat, five anuvrat, five samiti and six principles. These principles formed the basis of Jainism. Mahavir sacrificed his body on the day of Kartik Krishna Amawasya and attained salvation.

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