Surya Shashti Fast is celebrated on the Shasti Shukla paksha of Bhadrapad month. In 2025, it will be celebrated on 28 august. This festival is dedicated to Lord Surya Deva. On this day Lord Sun is worshipped by chanting gayatri mantra. Sun

Radha Ashtami is celebrated on Ashtami of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year, it will be celebrated on 31 august 2025. Devotees visit Gahavar forest which is situated on the hills of Barsana. Barsana is crowded during this part of

Dwadashi of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month is celebrated as Bhadrapad Dwadashi. This year, Vaman Jayanti will be celebrated on 04th September, 2025. According to religious scriptures, on this auspicious day Lord Vishnu incarnated as

This fast is celebrated on Shashti of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year it will be celebrated on 28th august, 2025. Lord Krishna has set the guidelines for this fast. Lord Krishna said that a person who keeps this fast would be

Sri Mahalaxmi fast begins on Ashtami of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year, this fast will be celebrated on 30/31 August 2025. This fast is celebrated on the day of Radha Ashtami. Goddess Laxmi is worshipped on this day. Sri

Rishi Panchami is observed on the fifth day of the Shukla paksha in the Bhadrapada month. In 2025, Rishi Panchami is on 28 August. This fast is observed by the devotees with devotion and faith and is believed to provide fruitful results to

According to Shastras, a Dakshinavarti shankh (conch) holds an important place in hindu religious ceremonies. Dakshinavarti shankh represents the appearance of Goddess Laxmi. It is a symbol for fame and success. Worshipping this shankh

Purushottam Ekadashi Fast will be celebrated on Purushottam Ekadashi fast is observed in the month of Purushottam. In the context of this ekadashi, Dharmaraj Yudhisthir asked Lord Krishna about the significance of observing Purushottam

Lord Satyanarayan is another incarnation of Lord Vishnu . According to the legend, Lord Vishnu incarnated into this to break the arrogance of Indra. He meditated in badrinath in the form of Narayana and adopted Satya - truth, hence was

Shri Bhairav is considered to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva. According to various scriptures the other forms of Bhairavnath are: Asitang Bhairav, Chand Bhairav, Ruru Bhairav, Krodha Bhairav, Kapali Bhairav, Bheesham Bhairav, samhar

Chaturthi of Shukla Paksha during Bhadrapad month is celebrated as Ganesha Chaturthi. Sri Ganesha Chaturthi fast is kept on this day. This year, Ganesha Chaturthi will be celebrated on 27 August 2025. It is believed that this day is

Haritalika fast has been mentioned in the Shastras in order to get blessings from Goddess Parvati. This year Haritalika fast will be celebrated on 26 August 2025. This fast is also known as Gauri Tritiya fast. This fast is kept on Tritiya

It is believed that worshipping Lord Saturn on the day of Shani Amavasya helps in fulfilling all the desires. In 2025, Shani Amavasya will be celebrated on 26th May. It is celebrated in the form of Pitrakaryaeshu Amavasya. It is considered

Lord Ganesha is considered to be the Lord of Chaturthi tithi. According to astrology, Lord Ganesha was born on this day. Due to this, Lord Ganesha is very fond of Chaturthi. Lord Ganesha is worshipped on Chandrodaya vyapini chaturthi of

Aghora Chaturdashi is celebrated on the Chaturthi Krishna Paksha in the month of Bhadrapad. This is a two day festival and celebrated with people around the country with full faith and fervor. The first day celebration is also known as

Pradosh fast is observed on the 13th day of each lunar fortnight as per the traditional Hindu lunar calendar. This fast is observed on Krishna Paksha, as well as Shukla Paksha. Pradosh kaal is the time period of 2 hours 24 minutes after

Gugga Navami is celebrated on Krishna Paksha Navami in the month of Bhadrapad of Vikram Sawant. In 2025, Gugga Navami will be celebrated on 17 August . On this day, snakes are worshipped all around the country. It is believed that

Adhikmas is in Bhadrapad month. This month’s Purnima is considered to be very important. This month’s Purnima is celebrated by taking a bath early in the morning and worshipping Lord Narayana with flowers, rice and red sandalwood. After

Vatsa Dwadashi is celebrated on 11 August 2025. Bhadrapad on the day of Krishna Paksha Dwadashi. It is also known as bachwas, oak duwas, and bali dwadashi. This fast is observed by females to get blessed with a sons, and mothers for the

Kailash Mansarovar is considered to be Lord Shiva’s favorite place. It is believed that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati reside here. According to Puranic scriptures, Kailash Parvat is considered to be Shiva Dham. This place is considered