Vaman Dwadashi Fast - Vaman Dwadashi 2025

Dwadashi of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month is celebrated as Bhadrapad Dwadashi. This year, Vaman Jayanti will be celebrated on 04th September, 2025. According to religious scriptures, on this auspicious day Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vaman in Abhijit muhurta of Shravana Nakshatra. A person should worship Lord Vishnu in the morning on this day.

Vaman Dwadashi Worship

A special puja is organized in temple on this day. Lord Vishnu’s various incarnations are worshipped. Bhagvat katha worship is organized in many different places and Vaman story is read. Lord Vaman should be worshipped as mentioned in Shastras. After this, food made of rice and curd should be donated. In the evening, a person keeping this fast should worship Lord Vaman, listen to Vaman worship story and distribute prasad among his family members. If a person keeps a fast on this day, Lord Vaman blesses him and fulfills all his desires.

Vaman Dwadashi Story

Lord Vaman is considered to be Lord Vishnu’s one of the most important incarnations. Lord Vaman has been talked about in Sri Madbhagvad Purana. According to Vaman story, in a battle between Devas and Demons, Devas had started losing. The demon army has waged a war against Amravati. Lord Indra asked Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu promised to help him and took birth as Lord Vaman from Aditi’s womb. Saint Kashyap and Aditi were married and Lord Vaman was born soon on the day of Dwadashi of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. Lord Vaman disguised himself as a Brahmachari.

Vaman Incarnation and Bali Prasang

Saint Kashyap, Devas and other saints provided a lot of things to Lord Vaman before he left to meet King Bali. He was given Yagyopaveet by Saint Pulaha, Mrigcharam by Saint Agastya, Palash Dand by Saint Marichi, clothes by Angiras, Chhatra by Sun, Khadau by Bhrigu, Janeu and Kamandal by Jupiter, Kopin by Aditi, Rudraksha Mala by Saraswati and a plate for Bhiksha by Kuber. Lord Vaman visited King Bali who was performing an Ashwamedha Yagya on the northern bank of river Narmada.

Lord Vaman disguised himself as a Brahma and went to King Bali’s place. Lord Vaman asked for three feet land as donation. King Bali decided to give threee feet land to Lord Vaman. Lord Vaman placed one foot in heaven and the other one on Earth. He placed the third one on King Bali’s body. Lord Vishnu was very happy as King Bali was true to his word. Lord Vishnu made him the King of the Underworld. In this way, Lord Vaman helped Devas.

Vaman Dwadashi Fast results

According to beliefs, this fast is even more important with the presence of Shravana Nakshatra. Devotees should keep a fast and worship a gold idol of Lord Vaman. A person keeping this fast and worshipping Lord Vaman is free from any sort of problems. Such a person lives a prosperous life and all his desires are fulfilled.