Nag Panchami Festival 2024, 21st August
The majority population of India, even today is dependent on agriculture as their
profession. Here, tradition of worshiping trees and plants, has been carried on
since ancient times. This is the reason that today, in every house Tulsi plant is
being worshipped. Festival like ‘Vanotsav’(environment day) are an identity of our
Worship of Agricultural Tools on Nag Panchami
In our country, special importance is given to all goods and objects related to livelihood. Additionally, being a rich in cultivation, all the goods used for saving agricultural lands and all items used for farming, are worshiped here. For an example, as per the mythological tale, Lord Krishna said that instead of worshiping Indra or any other good, cow, bulls and other items used for farming should be worshiped.
Then appears the context of worshipping Govardhan mountain. Snakes are recognised as the God of Panchami Tithi(fifth date). Hence, the importance of Panchmi Tithi increases for the people born on this date.
Importance in the Medicinal Field
In the race of modernity, technical areas have expanded, but, the significance of festivals like Naag Panchami has not been reduced. Well, it seems that in today’s context, saving of snakes have become more rational. Now, the medical world, to a large extent rely on the poison of snakes for making of medicines. A little amount of their poison helps in saving many lives.
Nag Panchami in Hindu Scriptures
According to the scriptures, Naag Panchami is celebrated on Panchami Tithi of Shukla Paksha in Shravan Maas. Apart from this, snake is the God of every month’s fifth date. But, on Panchami Tithi of Shukla Paksha in Shravan Maas, snake God is offered special worship. This day, a resolution is taken, of saving snakes. Shravan Shukla Paksha’s fifth date is celebrated every year as Naag Panchami with full faith.
Worship of Snakes as per the Old Civilization
On the day of Naag Panchami, having a vision of snake is considered auspicious. Snakes are considered as the incarnation of power and sun. Our country is a land of religious faith and beliefs. In our nation, snakes, fire, sun and ancestors are given the highest importance. Similar evidences can be seen, if we look for evidences in our ancient history.
Looking at history’s most ancient civilization that is Mohenjodaro, Harappa, and Indus valley civilization remains, bring up similar items. On this basis we can say that worshiping of snake is not new to us. Apart from this, Egyptian civilization is also one of the oldest civilization. Here as well, snake worshiping is recognised. Today a festival named Sheikh Heredi is related to worshiping of snakes.
Nag Panchami: A Festival Uniting Humanity with Nature
In Hindu religion and culture, nature’s each creature, plant, even movable and immovable things are considered as God. Pristine sages have added religious sense to all prayers and festivals. This way, on one hand, this festival increases the religious faith of a person and on the other hand it indirectly links the human to nature. In this order, snakes was put in the category of Devparniyo(creatures considered as God), also special importance was given to snake worship and its vision.
Mythological Evidence of Worshipping Snake as God
According to a mythological story species of snake was born on this day. When, Janmejay could not save his father Maharaja Parikshit, from the bite of Naag Taksha. Then, Janmejay through his oblation, forced Taksha to repent in front of him. Taksha was forgiven, when it was found guilty for its action. And, it is said that, the one who worship God snake on Panchami of Shravan maas will be free from Naag Dosh.
What Not to Do on Nag Panchami
On the day of worshiping God snake, they should not be fed with milk. Devotees can make Shivling (sacred symbol of Lord Shiva) have a milk bath. Well, knowing that feeding snakes with milk, can cause their death. In such a case, offering milk to snake is like killing your God with your hands. Therefore, don’t commit this mistake. Avoid killing any living being on such an occasion of faith and devotion.