Nag Panchami 2024- An Occasion to Pacify Kalsarp Yoga
Nag Panchami is celebrated on Panchami of Shukla Paksh in Sharavan Masa. This year,
the festival will be celebrated on 21st August, festival is celebrated with faith and fervor. On this day, worshiping Lord Shiva,
the holder of serpent, is considered auspicious.
Significance of Nag Panchami
According to the astrology, the God of fifth date is Snake. As, Naag Panchami is celebrated in Sharav Maas, hence, no digging of earth is done in this month. On the day of Naag Panchami, ploughing of field, digging of foundation is not good. Because, habitat of snake is considered to be beneath the earth. Digging of land can hurt the Snake God.
Procedure of Fasting on Nag Panchami
At many places of nation, Naag Panchami is also celebrated on Panchami Tithti of Krishan Paksha. On the day of Naag Panchami, fast is kept in order to make God Snake happy. In this fast, after the sunset and whole day fasting, Kheer is prepared as an offering for Gos snake while worshiping it. First of all the Kheer is offered to God snake or to Lord Shiva, and then eaten as Prashad (offering from God), by everyone. In this fast, intake of salt and fried things is prohibited. The person keeping the fast should follow all the rules.
Nag Panchami Celebration in South India
In southern India, on the day of Naag Panchami of Shravan Shukla, pure oil is used for bathing. Here, the unmarried girls keep fast and wish to have their dream man.
Custom of Consuming Stale Food on Nag Panchami
On the day of Naag Panchami, only the food to be used in worshiping is prepared. Rest of the food is prepared a day before. The family members who don’t keep fast on this day are also given stale food for eating. Well, Kheer, rice, Sewayia are made today as fresh food items in homes.
Worship of Idol of Snake God at the Main Entrance
On the day of Naag Panchami, people keeping fast, make a sculpture of snake with cow dunk, having five heads, on both side of house’s threshold. Red soil can also be used if, in case cow dung is not available. After this, Snake God is worshiped with milk, grass, Kusha, sandalwood,Akshat(rice used in worshiping),flower, sweet(Ladoo) and Naag source or following Naag mantras are chanted
" ऊँ कुरुकुल्ये हुँ फट स्वाहा"
Chanting this mantra rosary, three times, pleases the snake God. The fregnancel of sandalwood is especially dear to Serpent God. Hence, sandalwood should be used while worshiping. White lotus is used in today’s prayer. Chanting of the Above mentioned mantras, reduces the inauspicious effect of Kalsarp Yoga that is, the pacification of KaalSarp Yoga.
Worship of Goddess Mansa
In the northern India, there is a procedure of worshiping Goddess Mansa on Naag Panchami of Sharavan Maas. Goddess mansa is considered as the Goddess(Devi) of serpents. So, in Bengal, Orissa, and other states, the act of worshiping Mansa Devi is performed.
Pacification of Kalsarp Yoga
On the day of 2nd August 2024, Shukal Paksh, Sharavan Maas,people who’s Kundali have KaalSarp Yoga, should keep fast and offer worshiping as mentioned above for the sake of pacification of KaalSarp Yoga.
What not to do on Nag Panchami
On the day of Naag Panchami, Snake God should not be fed with milk. Worshipers, if desire can make the Shiva Linga have a milk bath. Knowing that, drinking of milk can kill a snake, in such a situation feeding them with milk is like killing your God with your hands. Hence, avoid this mistake. So, be save from killing of living beings on this festival of faith and confidence.