Astrology of the Seers
David Frawley
Astrology of the Seers is a clear yet comprehensive presentation of Vedic astrology and makes this difficult-to-understand subject clear, practical and relevant. it reveals the deeperMore Info

Conjunction of Planets
L. R. Chawdhri
In the delineations of horoscope, one has to deal with many problems which have already been detailed, the author's world famous book 'Scientific Analysis of Horoscope' based onMore Info

How to Match Horoscopes for Marriage
P.V.R. Rayudu
This study of the birth horoscopes for the marriage partners gives sufficient basic clues for a happy partnership or otherwise. A Scientific methodology based on compatibility on Moon andMore Info

Learn Hindu Astrology Easily
K. N. Rao
...After reading the book, "Learn Vedic Astrology Without Tears", some useful suggestions and criticism too came. One of them was that I created some confusion by referring to theMore Info

Learn Successful Predictive Techniques of Hindu Astrology
K. N. Rao
The various chapters are based on articles published earlier. Dr. Singh, 1984; Saturn-Venus, 1985-6, the others not specified, but all before 1990. How to verify a horoscope using navamsha,More Info

Predictive Astrology of the Hindus
Gopesh Kumar Ojha
There are many books on Hindu astrology. However their perusal is a problem, particularly for the lay readers who do not know Sanskrit. Therefore the author has presented in this book theMore Info

Rahu & Ketu
Manik Chand Jain
The Hindu conception of the nodes, as we've pointed out elsewhere, is vastly superior to Western ideas. Here are nodes in signs, houses, in combination with planets (yogas), in transits &More Info

Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology
M. S. Mehta
This long awaited book on mundane astrology has finally come out. This is the best ever in the market. Try the brilliant techniques given in this book of M.S Mehta and A. Radhika, repeatedlyMore Info

Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology
R Santhanam
The author has compiled the work of this nature containing important editorials and relevant contributions in the columns Times spectrum and research capsule that saw their print in TIMES OFMore Info

Predicting through Dwisaptati Sama Dasha
Manoj Pathak
To use Vimshottari mahadasha only for predictions, as many astrologers do, is a case of astrological poverty, technical deficiency and an avoidable defect. Maharishi Parashara and Jaimini haveMore Info

Risks and Tricks in Astrological Predictions
K N Rao
TRICKS: astrological tricks of predictions—is what you must try. Over a period of time evolve your own tricks as you astrological experience with different predictive techniques grows.More Info

Nakshatra Chintamani
Chandrakant R Bhatt
This book is meant for the reader who is conversant with the basic principles of Hindu Astrology. It is expected that the reader should possess the knowledge of casting the horoscope. He shouldMore Info

New Rules and Combinations in Hindu Astrology
S K Mehta
The book contains the Planetary Combinations which I have come across during the author's career as an astrologer. These Combinations generally do not fail and can be successfully applied toMore Info

Sage Bhrigu on Predictive Astrology
K K Pathak
Bhrigu is one of the founders of Hindu Astrology. Except Pitamaha, Kasyapa and Narada, Bhrigu preceded all Hindu Astrologers. Parasara, Jaimini and Garga belonged to last part of Satya Yuga orMore Info

Scientific Analysis of Horoscope
L R Chawdhri
This book deals with the methods of learning Astrology, casting and analyzing the horoscopes from all angles. The book deals with Hindu Astrology. At places the notions, nomenclature of planetsMore Info