Maan Sagari (2Vols)
P K Vasudev
Maan Sagari is amongst a few ancient treatises which was composed in the primeval time.Although the exact origin of this text is not known,some scholars trace it to the 16th century.ThisMore Info

Maan Sagari (2Vols)
P K Vasudev
Maan Sagari is amongst a few ancient treatises which was composed in the primeval time.Although the exact origin of this text is not known,some scholars trace it to the 16th century.ThisMore Info

Predicting Through Astro-Numerology
Dr N.Srinivasan Shastry
In this book the first part speaks about significations of planets, signs and houses in a elaborated way. The speciality of this book is formulas in astakavarga system of timing of events, withMore Info

Predicting through Astro-Numerology
Dr. N Srinivasan Shastry
This book is a rare piece of work of 22 years of experience of the author in the field of Astrology and Numerology. This book is for the lovers of astrological science and astrologers. In thisMore Info

Predicting through Dwisaptati Sama Dasha
Manoj Pathak
To use Vimshottari mahadasha only for predictions, as many astrologers do, is a case of astrological poverty, technical deficiency and an avoidable defect. Maharishi Parashara and Jaimini haveMore Info

Predicting through Jaimini's Chara Dasha
K N Rao
This is the most original, revolutionary and effective book ever written on Jaimini Astrology, because: * It shows how Jaimini’s Karakas – Atma, Amatya,More Info

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Akhila Kumar
For many years we have struggled with Sthira Dasha because it was found that if one followed what was advocated by many writers like Dr. B V Raman and others, many horoscopes would be withoutMore Info

Media Astrology
With the visual media spreading their effect through various TV channels and films, this line has emerged as a new career for the aspirants with the talent in the art. But like the film industry,More Info

My Experiences in Astrology
B V Raman
Dr B V Raman's elucidation of his "My Experiences in Astrology", as he calls them, is a fascinating chronology of his exceedingly interesting experiences in a sphere in which heMore Info

Nadi Astrology & Professions
Umang Taneja
The probability and possibility of astrology has been set at rest by the advent of Nadi Astrology and a book title “Accurate Predictive Astrology” by Umang Taneja. He has writtenMore Info

Notable Horoscopes
B V Raman
A most reliable guide to practical astrology, Notable Horoscopes does not contain startling predictions and amazing forecasts. But it is the product of investigations and studies by the authorMore Info

One Hundred Horoscopes and Biographies of Great Persons
Dandapani Panda
Talented people are to be respected by every individual, society and the nation. Talent in a person is God-gifted. Only fortunate people possess this quality in various fields. Respect of talentMore Info

Pataki Risht Chakra
Shalini Dhasmana
In our research class, when I talked about the Pataki Ristha Chakra (PRC) and told the students how some traditional astrologers made brilliant use of it and gave stunning predictions aboutMore Info

Planetary Dispositions in Marital Affairs
Dr V P Shukla
This is the first book of its kind based on research oriented papers. Marriage is a landmark in one’s life. In Hindu society it is a sacrament and something more beyond a contractualMore Info

Prasna Marga, Part II
Bangalore Venkata Raman
Prasna Marga, Part II is an enclyclopaedic work on matters that affect all areas of human life. It carries the original slokas with English Translation and copious notes deal exhaustively withMore Info

Predicting Marriage
Mridula Trivedi
A magnum opus by one of the greatest astrologer duo of present time, Trivedi’s are at their best in this book Any reader would be mesmerized by the contents of the book and would be temptedMore Info

Predicting through Navamsa & Nadi Astrology
Chandulal S Patel
The Nadi Jyotisha is a unique system of astrology. The Nadi Granthas (books) on this system contain readymade horoscopes giving out the whole life reading with important events in life of theMore Info

Predictive Astrology and Financial Prosperity
Mahan Vir Tulli
The influence of stars and planets on our lives simply cannot be ignored or denied. The planetary positions in the natal chart at the time of birth of a new-born, are most likely to determine theMore Info

Profession from the Position of Planets
R G Rao
This is the seventh book of the author on this sacred science of Astrology. The author has based his composition on the aphorisms contained in rare Nadi granthas. If the readers patiently studyMore Info

Remedial Measures in Astrology
Dr G S Kapoor
Our life is always full of difficulties, problems and stress and strains. Keeping in view the busy schedule of people in present day life, this book contains easy and simple measures forMore Info