Dots of Destiny
Vinay Aditya
* First ever book on Ashtakavarga which leads the student step-by-step to its application for everyday predictions. * Calculations of Ashtakavarga explained and worked our with an exampleMore Info

Laghu Jatakam
K. S. Charak (Dr.)
The Laghu Jatakam is a higherly authentic work on Vedic astrology written by the celebrated master Varaha Mihira. It contains rich material for any serious practitioner of VedicMore Info

C. S. Patel
The ashtakavarga is recognized as an outstanding system of prediction among the several systems advocated in the standard works on astrology.The present work consisting of about 950 verses fromMore Info

Practical Vedic Astrology
Every student who has to call out information of several books to get the complete picture is in for a pleasant surprise.The book is a must for every student and comprehensive in dealing withMore Info