Jaimini Astrology
P S Sastri
This system is unique in its aspects, interpretation, and dasas.One can time the events within a month by following Jaimini’s method. The book provides techniques and insights which areMore Info

A Manual of Jaimini Astrology
Iranganti Rangacharya
This book contains Basics of Jaimini Astrology, Argalas & Raja Yogas, Karakamsa, Arudha, Upapada, Female Horoscopy, Longevity, Ayur Dasas, and Phalitha Dasas.More Info

Mundane Astrology: a Book for Astrologers
K B Gopalakrishnan
One of the celebrated areas of Indian astrology is the mundane astrology. There are many classical books in mundane astrology but there is no modern book which will help any budding astrologyMore Info

Predicting through Jaimini's Chara Dasha
K N Rao
This is the most original, revolutionary and effective book ever written on Jaimini Astrology, because: * It shows how Jaimini’s Karakas – Atma, Amatya,More Info

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Akhila Kumar
For many years we have struggled with Sthira Dasha because it was found that if one followed what was advocated by many writers like Dr. B V Raman and others, many horoscopes would be withoutMore Info

Predict Effectively through Yogini Dasha
V P Goel
This book is a product of intense testing of this dasha in research classes over a period of many months. The book shows how to predict, within the narrow time frame of Yogini Dasha, the shortestMore Info

Predicting through Karakmsha & Jaimini's Mandook Dasha
K N Rao
K N Rao’s first book, Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara Dasha is the most notable landmark in the application of Jaimini astrology. There never existed any book to show how JaiminiMore Info

Studies in Jaimini Astrology
Bangalore Venkata Raman
The Jaimini System of Astrology upon which these studies are based, marks the definite departure from the canons of Parasari or the general system of Astrology now in vogue throughout in India. ItMore Info