Books by D P Saxena
Principles & Practice of Horary Astrology
D P Saxena
Nobody can deny the importance of natal astrology and the natal chart; but the horary astrology is decidedly more important than the natal astrology. The former is used even in the rectificationMore InfoRahu-Ketu—the Mystic Axis
D P Saxena
As the name suggests Rahu-Ketu are the two parts of the python that horrifies every one on our planet earth. Rahu-Ketu invigorate the energies of the houses for the good or bad they are placed inMore InfoScientific Matching of Horoscopes
D P Saxena
Marriage is the union of two individuals which has to be kept stable and permanent till the couple lives. It is not possible for any human being to find such couples who may bid adieu to life atMore Info