Longevity: A Vedic Approach
Vinod Kumar
The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longevity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar.Any prediction madeMore Info

Secrets of Birth Time Rectification
Sreenadh OG
This is a book that tries to present all the available ancient birth rectification methods in a systematic manner. Most of the things the author has learnt about ancient Birth Time RectificationMore Info

Secrets of Birth Time Rectification
Sreenadh OG
This is a book that tries to present all the available ancient birth rectification methods in a systematic manner. Most of the things the author has learnt about ancient Birth Time RectificationMore Info

Basics of Nakshatra Padhathi (Marriage, Profession & Health)
MK Viswanath
This book contains 1) Stellar system in astrology 2) Significations of Nodes 3) Marriage and Dasha Vidhana Ponthanam 4) Placement of Stars in Rashi Chakra or Zodiac Wheel 5) DashaMore Info

Krishnamurti Love And Freedom
Peter Michel
Taking his cue from the teacher himself, Peter Michel, in this first independent analysis of the most elusive spiritual teacher ever known, has taken an investigative and exploratory stance,More Info

New Horizons on Krishnamurthi Paddhati
Prof. K Hariharan
One more valuable addition to KP literature. The book contains following 23 articles using KP principles: 1. The Businessman and His Planets, 2. Influence of Neptune, 3. A Case of IncurableMore Info

Rectification of Birth Time (KP)
K Hariharan
Horoscope is framed on the basis of exact time and date of birth. None can deny the importance of date of birth, as it is required in every walk of life. Moreover, the Horoscope is necessary forMore Info

Secrets in Stellar Astrology, 2 Volume Set
K Hariharan
1. Why and What of Krishnamurti Paddhati,2. Essential Features of Krishnamurti Paddhati, 3. Mother’s End thro’ Son’s Chart, 4. Deliniation of Events by RP, 5. Will Change ofMore Info

Stellar Effects on Human Lives (KP)
Prof. K Hariharan
A new collection of 53 refreshing articles on stellar astrology. These are: 1. Marriage: Horary and Horoscopy, 2. Directional Method of Timing of Events, 3.More Info

My Experiments with Krishnamurti Paddhati
K Hariharan
After a long period of research extending over three decades, the late Prof. K S Krishnamurti evolved a unique, novel and yet scientific system of prediction, based on the influence of NakshatrasMore Info

New Dimensions of KP Astrology
Dr. Arastu Prabhakar
The name of late Professor Krishnamurti is well-known in modern astrology. He did sincere and serious research in the field of astrology and gave it a new dimension. For some time, the work ofMore Info