Ayurvedic Astrology
David Frawley
Ayurvedic Medicine represents the healing branch of yogic science, while Vedic astrology provides its understanding of time and karma. Ayurvedic Astrology teaches the interface of these twoMore Info

Biorhythms of Natal Moon
U. S. Pulippani
“Biorhythms of Natal Moon” otherwise called the Pancha Pakshi Shastra is a golden key in the hand of man which can be used with advantage in any enedavour and in any walk of lifeMore Info

Disease Imprints On The Palm (Medical Palmistry)
O.P. Verma
Disease Imprints On The Palm (Medical Palmistry)More Info

Elements of Vedic Astrology (2 Vols.)
K.S. Charak
* The Elements of Vedic Astrology is an excellent and most comprehensive book on the Parashari system of Vedic astrology written in English. * Treats astrology in a most organised andMore Info

Planets and Travel Abroad
M. S. Mehta
That astrology has come of age in India in the nineties in a new way is a statement that must be made now. Known as Jyotisha, it is that sacred knowledge which had remained in theMore Info

Tibetan English Dictionary of Tibetan Medicine & Astrology
Tsering Dolma Drungtso
The dictionary gives an easy reference for all those interested in the science of Tibetan Medicine. It contains around four thousand main entries which cover the important terms of TibetanMore Info

Astrology & Diagnosis
Maj. S G Khot
The fundamental purpose of Medical Astrology is to give the planetary influences which cause the various diseases, afflictions and accidents. This book will help the astrologers in predicting andMore Info

Practical Vedic Astrology
Every student who has to call out information of several books to get the complete picture is in for a pleasant surprise.The book is a must for every student and comprehensive in dealing withMore Info

Revelations of Medical Astrology
In this book, an attempt has been made to collect the various astrological combinations given in the classical books and also to add to these the combinations which have been found applicable toMore Info

Medical Astrology
Dr Shanker Adawal
Astrology has many uses but its use in the medical field is perhaps the most important one. It is a known fact that even during these days of many advanced techniques and medicines, the exactMore Info

Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha
S K Duggal
Human beings have suffered physically since the beginning of humanity. Medical system has also improved with the passage of time. However, the changes in the life style have also brought in moreMore Info

Medical Astrology for All
K Subramaniam
Astro-diagnosis is the science and art of obtaining scientific knowledge regarding disease and its causes shown by the planets. This science of Medical Astrology is slowly permeating the MedicalMore Info

Medical Science and Astrology
K K Mishra
In this little book, the author shows the scientific relation of astrology with modern medical science. He explains the twelve houses of the horoscope and the time of disease, and how to determineMore Info

Predict Effectively through Yogini Dasha
V P Goel
This book is a product of intense testing of this dasha in research classes over a period of many months. The book shows how to predict, within the narrow time frame of Yogini Dasha, the shortestMore Info

Principles and Practice of Medical Astrology
Dr. Jagannath Rao
Destiny is relentlessly incontroversible and is the virtual governor of every facet of human life. No one—from a beggar to a king can escape its mendate. A beggar becomes a king and a kingMore Info