In order to analyze the results of planets in eleventh house of a Varsha Kundali, we have to study different planets and their Karak elements. The results from different planets vary from one house to another. If a
As per astrology, one can determine the results of the seventh house in a varsha kundli by analyzing the position of planets in the seventh house. The influence of planets in the seventh house have a great impact on the
Tajik yogas are use in Varsha kundali. It is very important to determine these yogas in a varsha kundali. The study of Varsha Kundali without Tajik Yoga is incomplete. The completion of pending tasks depend on the Tajik
Muntha is particularly used in the calculation of Varsha Kundali. It stays in the ascendant sign of the kundali and moves to a consecutive sign every year. For example: If Muntha in a kundali is situated in the Aries