Posts for Tag Retrograde Planets

Following is the list of Articles in the tag Retrograde Planets

Analysis of Arishta Yoga through Retrograde Planets

There are a lot of different opinions about predicting results given by retrograde planets. Different astrologers have different opinions on this subject. A lot of things on this subject have been mentioned in ancient

Retrograde Mercury - Mercury Retrograde Effects

During dasha of retrograde planets, a person travels abroad and may even struggle a lot. The planet which is retrograde at the time of birth affects our lives during dasha or antardasha. A person receives mixed results

Retrograde Mars - Retrograde Mars Effects

According to astrology, different planets move at different speeds. They may be slow, directional, retrograde, fast etc. If a planet starts moving backwards, it is known to be retrograde. Practically, planets do not

Retrogression of Planets

All the planets are in clockwise motion round the zodiac. Sometimes, planets appear to have a backwards motion due to the relative position and motion of planets. When a planet instead of moving forward appears to

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