Birth Chart Free

A Birth chart or Janma Kundali is the most important part of Astrology. A Birth chart is actually the record of the position of the planets and other elements like Nakshatras, house, signs etc. at the time of a person’s birth. A free birth chart can be easily acquired from

A free birth chart includes various calculations and charts. Every one of these charts reveals vital information about a person’s life, family, work, destiny and Karma. Experts believe that you can gather information about every aspect of a person’s life through a birth chart.

A birth chart is also called natal chart. To be precise, a birth chart explains the positions of the stars at your time of birth in the place where you were actually born. You can easily use the free birth chart option to calculate your personal natal chart. What your birth chart has for you will be explained in simple easy language. what your natal chart means or could mean for you.

In order for it to be accurate, you need to enter your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth in our birth chart free application. Our system will take a few seconds to calculate your wheel graphic, your aspects graphic and subsequently give you a complete interpretation of your personality.

The free birth chart will show some very important data. You should never forget this aspect of a birth chart. Most of the people already know their Sun sign. Sun sign provides the most general information in a horoscope or Birth chart. However, it is important to know more about your Ascendant. It is also called Rising sign. Your Rising sign will give you in-depth knowledge about yourself. Therefore, you should never forget your Rising sign. Moreover, Moon sign is also very important. Moon sign reflects your intuitive and emotional side. In Ancient or Vedic astrology, Moon sign was considered to be far more important than a general Sun sign.

People usually like to calculate the astrological compatibility between themselves and another person. The free birth chart program will compare your birth chart to the birth chart of your love. This will provide an in-depth analysis.

You should always remember that whenever you read your zodiac horoscope in a newspaper or on the Internet, it is important to read the predictions for your Rising sign as well as your Sun sign.

How to understand your free birth chart

As a layman what you should look for the following in a free birth chart:

  • Ascendant sign or the Rising sign, This is the first sign appearing in a horoscope and note down the number of this sign or Rashi. Read the characteristics of your ascendant sign.This ascendant sign will describe your external and physical features.
  • Note the Sign or Rashi in which your Moon is placed in the horoscope along with the degrees and Nakshatra. This is also known as the Moon sign. It is very important for analysing your inner level or mental level characteristics which can be read in interpretation of Moon sign reports. In Vedic astrology Moon sign is considered as Rashi and daily analysis is based on this sign.The Moon is the fastest moving planet and all planetary transits are judged from the Moon sign.
  • Note down the Vimshottri Dasha running at this time. This Dasha is based on the position of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at birth. How much the Moon has travelled in the birth Nakshatra, the balance of Dasha will start from there.
  • Note down the Shad Bala of planets, it means which planet is strong in your birth chart and this will decide how it is going to give you results in its Dasha.
  • Note down the inter planetary relationship of your birth chart on the basis of friendship table.Which planets are friends and which are enemies.
  • Read the reports related to your birth chart. All of this will help you in understanding your horoscope.