Astrological Calculations Predictions
Everyone knows position of planets and zodiac sign play important role in astrological calculations predictions. The position of all these factors in a birth chart determines the events in the life of the native and his overall personality. The calculations for Vedic charts are based on planetary positions at the time of the child birth. According to vedic scriptures, each sign has three main characteristics, which affect the nature of actions when a planet transits, or aspects a ruling planet, or one of four elemental qualities -Fire (F), Earth (E), Air (A), and Water(W); and one of three quadrants.
Astrological Calculations Predictions are based on three basic purposes
- Planet Positions
- House Axes
- House system adjustments for new places of living
In order to carry out astrological calculations predictions the astrologer read the birth chart of the native, for which date of birth, exact birth time and location is mentioned. This article will explain how you can make various astrological calculations predictions are conducted.
- The first thing required for astrological calculations is the Global time zone in which your birth has taken place. Each time zone has a Prime meridian, the longitude on which that specific time zone is precise by hour and minute. Prime Meridians start from 00º00' (GMT) on, then every 15º east or west. Position of the planets are recorded in accordance with GMT Prime Meridian on 00º00'.
- In order to make astrological calculations associated with House Axes, you have to calculate Sidereal time. All you have to do is add Sidereal time to your local mean time. If you should get a number above 24h 00m, you take 24h 00m off, because the time ystem doesn't have more than 24 hours.
- The next step is to check the birthplace table of house. If your House System matches exactly one of the times indicated on the left hand side of the MC, you have it easy. Just go down along the latitudes to the one of your birthplace, and if you're born exactly on a full degree, you have it again easy, you just read the line.
Details required for astrological calculations predictions for creating a horoscope
Whenever you visit an astrologer to get the prediction done, he/she will ask you below mentioned question initially to create your horoscope.
- Name
- Date of birth
- Time of birth
- Place of Birth
- Time zone, longitude and latitude