Recitation of Mantras according to Signs
According to astrology, each sign has its own characteristics. In the same way, there are different mantras for each sign. A mantra can be recited in order to impress the lord of each sign. Planets affect our lives in many ways. The position of Moon at the time of birth determines a person’s sign. There are twelve signs which are named Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Aries - Choo, Che, Cho, La, Lee, Loo, Le, Lo, A
Taurus - E, Oo, Ae, O, Va, Vee, Voo, Ve, Vo
Gemini - Ka, Kee, Koo, Gha, Da, Chha, Ke, Ko, Ha
Cancer - Hee, Hoo, He, Ho, Da, Dee, Doo, De, Do
Leo - Ma, Mee, Mo, Me, Mo, Taa, Tee, Too, Te
Virgo - To, Pa, Pee, Poo, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, Po
Libra - Ra, Ree, Roo, Re, Ro, Taa, Tee, Too, Te
Scorpio - To, Naa, Nee, Noo, Ne, No, Yaa, Yee, Yoo
Sagittarius - Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhee, Bhoo, Dha, Fa, Ddha, Bhe
Capricorn - Bho, Jaa, Jee, Khee, Khoo, Khe, Kho
Aquarius - Goo, Ge, Go, Saa, See, Soo, Se, So, Da
Pisces - Dee, Doo, Tha, Jha, Gya, De, Do, Chaa, Chee
Aries - Om Hri Shri Laxminarayan Amah
Taurus - Om Gopalay Uttar Dhvajai Namah
Gemini - Om Kleem Krishnai Namaha
Cancer - Om Hiranyagarbhai Avyakt Rupane Namaha
Leo - Om Kleem Brahmane Jagadadharai Namaha
Virgo - Om Namaha Peem Pitambarai Namaha
Libra - Om Tatva Niranjanai Tarak Ramai Namaha
Scorpio - Om Naranaya Sur Singhai Namaha
Sagittarius - Om Shreem Dev Krishnai Urdhva Dantai Namaha
Capricorn - Om Shreem Vatsalai Namaha
Aquarius - Om Shri Upendraya Achyutaya Namah
Pisces - Om Kleem Uddhritaya Uddharine Namah
These mantras are considered to be very important in Vedic astrology. Mantras have been given for each sign. These mantras provide a person with strength to fight his problems. The right way to recite these mantras and devotion provide peace and satisfaction to a person.
If a person recites a mantra associated with his astrological sign, he is free from all sorts of problems and sorrows. A person is able to overcome all obstacles and acquires wealth in life. These mantras should be recited 108 times. The energy of these mantras help a person to succeed in life.