Gandmool Nakshatra 2025 | Mool Nakshatra Dates and timings
Out of the 27 Nakshatras of Zodiac, six Nakshatras are called Gandmool Nakshatra. These Nakshatra are at the intersection of two signs. In other words, when a Nakshatra ends, the sign also ends, and when the next Nakshatra begins the next sign also begins. For example, Revati Naskshatra is at the end of the Pisces sign. Aries sign begins next, Ashwini Nakshatra also begins with Aries. The Nakshatra of Mercury and Ketu is included in the Gand Mool Nakshatra.
Revati, Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyeshtha and Mool Nakshatra are considered to be Gand Mool Nakshatra. It is believed that if a child is born in any of these Nakshatras it will not be auspicious either for the mother, father, their own self or for any other relative. This can be resolved by praying on the 27th day after the child is born.
Starting and ending period of Gandmool Nakshatras (according to Indian time) - 2025 | Starting and ending time of Gandmul Nakshatra 2025 (Indian Time) :
Start and end time of Gandmool Nakshatras (according to Indian time) - 2025 | Starting and ending time of Gandmul Nakshatra 2025 (Indian Time) :
Starting time | Ending time | ||||
Date | Nakshatra | Time (hours-minutes) | Date | Nakshatra | Time (hours-minutes) |
06 January | Revati | 19:07 | 08 January | Ashwini | 16:30 |
15 January | Ashlesha | 10:28 | 17 January | Magha | 12:45 |
25 January | Jyeshtha | 07:08 | 27 February | Mool | 09:02 |
02 February | Revati | 24:53 | 04 February | Ashwini | 09:26 |
11 February | Ashlesha | 16:43 | 13 February | Magha | 21:07 |
21st February | eldest | 15:54 | 23 February | Original | 18:43 |
02 March | Revathi | 09:00 | 04 March | Ashwini | 04:30 |
10 March | Ashlesha | 24:52 | 13 March | Magha | 04:06 |
20th March | eldest | 23:32 | 23 March | original | 03:24 |
29th March | Revathi | 19:27 | 31st March | Ashwini | 13:45 |
07 April | Ashlesha | 06:25 | 09 April | Magha | 09:57 |
17 April | Jyeshtha | 05:55 | 19 April | Mool | 10:21 |
26 April | Revathi | 06:27 | April 27 | Ashwini | 24:39 |
04 May | Ashlesha | 12:54 | 06 May | Magha | 15:52 |
May 14 | eldest | 11:47 | May 16 | Original | 10:36 |
May 23 | Revathi | 16:03 | May 25 | Ashwini | 11:12 |
May 31 | Ashlesha | 21:08 | 02 June | Magha | 22:56 |
June 10 | Jyestha | 18:02 | June 12 | Original | 21:57 |
June 19 | Revathi | 23:17 | June 21 | Ashwini | 19:50 |
June 28 | Ashlesha | 06:36 | June 30 | Magha | 07:21 |
07 July | eldest | 25:12 | 10 July | original | 04:50 |
July 17 | Revathi | 04:51 | July 18 | Ashwini | 26:14 |
July 25 | Ashlesha | 16:01 | 27 July | Magha | 16:23 |
04 August | eldest | 09:13 | 06 August | original | 13:00 |
13 August | Revathi | 10:33 | 15 August | Ashwini | 07:36 |
21st August | Ashlesha | 24:09 | 23 August | Magha | 24: 59 |
31 August | Jyeshtha | 17:27 | 02 September | Original | 21:51 |
09 September | Revathi | 18:07 | 11 September | Ashwini | 13:58 |
18 September | Ashlesha | 06: 33 | 20 September | Magha | 08:06 |
27 September | Jyeshtha span> | 25:08 | 30 September | Original | 06:18 |
07 October | Revati | 04:02 | 08 October | Ashwini | 22: 45 |
15 October | Ashlesha | 12:00 | 17 October | Magha | 13:58 |
25 October | Jyestha | 07:52 | 27 October | Original | 13:28 |
03 November | Revati | 15: 06 | 05 November | Ashwini | 09:40 |
11 November | Ashlesha | `18:18 | 13 November | Magha | 19:38 |
21st November | eldest | 13:56 | 23 November | Original | 19: 28 |
30 November | Revathi | 25:11 | 02 December | Ashwini | 20:52 |
08 December | Ashlesha | 26:53 | 10 December | Magha | 26:45 |
18 December | Jyeshtha | 20: 07 | 20 December | Original | 25:22 |
28 December | Revathi span> | 08:44 | 30 December | Ashwini | 06:05 |