Fifth Navamsha of Gemini Ascendant

The fifth navamsha of Gemini ascendant belong to the Aquarius sign. Saturn is the lord of this navamsha. Saturn puts great effect on the life of the native born in this navamsha. With the influence of fifth navamsha, the native is born with a broad and round face, fair complexion and attractive features. Such a person is likely to be aggressive or short-tempered. With the effect of Aquarius in this navamsha, the native gets easily influenced by others. This can be the reason for the stress and problems in life.

The native is courageous and hard working. He is able to attain success and prosperity with his hard work and dedication. However, such a person may also have to face a lot of problems in career and life. Business in partnership may not be very successful for such individuals. He is respected and honored in the society. Such a person attains the luxury of materialistic luxuries as well.

Such a person may not be talkative, but once he opens up to an environment no one can beat him in words. Understanding them and their mindset can be a bit challenging for others. Even though, he’ll have a stable mind, but will always look for opportunities to bring changes in life.

The native attains immense respect and honor in the society. He attains an influential personality and possesses the ability to bring effective changes in the lives of people around. He understands his responsibilities well and work hard to fulfill the needs of his family. In the later years of life, the native attains immense prosperity and happiness. He gets lots of opportunities for growth.

Significance of Fifth Navamsha of Gemiini Ascendant

The native born in this navamsha may also have to struggle a lot initially to earn livelihood. He can feel restless and discontented in life. There can be constant conflicts at home leading to stressful conditions. The spouse of the native is attractive and intelligent. He gets benefits and immense support from his family and friends throughout his life.

Mental stress and problems can become integral part of life. The native is blessed with intelligence and scholastic mind. He is fond of music and arts. Such a person has excellent communications that helps him to take over the control on most situations.

He attains pleasure of a happy family life and children. His married life is blissful . However, both the partners are likely to share same level of intelligence and interests, that can become the cause of conflicts in various situations. The native attains success in his field with his influential ability and effective communication skills. Lack of confidence can create confusions while taking important decisions of life.

Gemini Ascendant