Sun Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

The duration of Moon’s Mahadasha is ten years. During Moon’s Mahadasha, the native receives results associated with this planet. In this article, we will not analyse Moon’s position and state. We will discuss results associated with Moon’s Mahadasha. During Moon’s Mahadasha, you are calm and composed in life. Even if you have been aggressive in the past, you will cool down during this period.

Moon is a calm and peaceful planet. On the other hand, Sun is an energetic and aggressive planet. Moon’s association with Sun resolves Moon’s limitations. This association seems to be balanced. When Moon and Sun give results together, these results are mixed. Moon holds a very important position in astrology. Moon also affects our minds. Our mind sets like Krishna Paksha and rises like Shukla Paksha.

During Sun’s Antardasha in Moon’s Mahadasha, you receive good education, professional and social benefits, a good position in society and an increment in income. During this period, you will be respected by almost everyone in society. It will also bring love into your life. You will be interested in religious activities. Your life can be compared to high tides in the sea. Moon receives its light from the Sun to enlighten everyone.

Moon is considered to be a water element. Moon is considered to be completely calm and possesses 16 different Kalas. An auspicious Moon makes you wealthy and generous in life. It provides mental peace and happiness. You also receive some good results related to your domestic life. Moon is considered to be a ruling planet for seeds, medicines, water and Brahmanas. Moon is also associated with mental ailments. This is because affects your mind the most.

During Sun’s Antardasha in Moon’s Mahadasha, you will experience an increase in auspicious incidents and happiness. Besides this, whatever losses you incurred in the past will be resolved this month. You may have to come across thieves, snakes and problems related to the Government. You may also experience some problems during journeys.

If we don’t analyse Moon’s position and state in the Kundali, but try to study its nature, it tells us that Moon is a calm and peaceful planet. Moon is considered to be a queen among planet. During the Dasha of these planets, you receive auspicious results.

Both of these planets possess some good qualities. Astrologers believe that you receive auspicious results during the Dasha of both these planets. You will receive some good opportunities to resolve conflicts with your enemies. You will also receive wealth and mental peace. You will be calm and composed during this period. You will also experience domestic bliss.

During Dasha of these planets, you receive numerous benefits, fame and opportunities to go abroad. You are inclined towards religious activities. You also receive some indications from your parents. Your relationships get stronger during this period. You are respected by official in authoritative positions. You also spend some time in the company of influential people.

If we talk about Moon’s position in inauspicious houses or Moon being weak, auspicious results will be minimized. Your mind may be restless at all times. You may want to enforce your authority and impose your opinion onto others. Due to this, you may experience some inauspicious results during Sun’s Antardasha. We have to analyse everything before making any predictions about Sun’s Antardasha in Moon’s Mahadasha. It allows us to make accurate predictions.

According to Puranas, Moon was one of the Ratnas that originated during the battle of seas between Devas and Demons. Lord Shiva chose Moon and placed it as an ornament on his head. Due to this, you should worship Lord Shiva during this period. This strengthens Moon and maximized its auspicious results. During this period, you should also donate rice, white clothes, white flowers, sugar, curd, pearls and conch.

The importance of Sun in Vedic Astrology