Astrology Zone Capricorn - Capricorn Astrology Zone

In astrology zone Capricorn is the Tenth sign of 12 zodiac signs. Capricorn natives are practical, humorous and ambitious in nature. This is considered to be the most stable and serious sign of all zodiac signs. They are goal oriented and achieve it with their hard work, unemotional, practical and responsible ways. They are professionally reliable workers and excel in every project they take up. Capricorns suffer from random mood swings making them surprising and sudden witty.

Capricorn is an earthy sign and feminine gender. It is movable in nature. The direction of Capricorn is South. The Lord of ascendant is the Saturn that give the native the capacity of hard work and perseverance. The Mental Tendencies of Capricorn natives are sympathetic, generous, secretive, vindictive, cunning. They are stoical to the miseries in life.


According to your Horoscope, you will have prominent features, oblong tip nose, firm lips and narrow chin. You will have narrow neck, small ear lobes, dark and thin hair. You may sport a small beard. There might be some afflictions involving your knees ( right side in case of male and left side in case of female. Physically Capricorn are tall, lean, reddish brown, and prominent stiff hair on eyebrows and chest. The head is big and face is fairly broad. They have large teeth and prominent nose. the body is thin and fleshy.

General Characteristics

Generally natives born in Capricorn have a knack to adapt themselves as per the circumstances. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds. They like lot of show. Afflicted Saturn makes them vindictive, They are capable of much of endeavour. The are perfect in home life but unable to make adjustment with their life partner. They are industrious. They are often called as “chatter boxes” as they have no control on their tongue.

Capricorn natives are masterful and ambitious, but often their mind is always under doubts. They are not much broad-minded because of being a strong sectarian and disposed to religious austerities. They believe in the occult, even could be a fatalist. Such people are highly confident and reasonably high ambitious. Advantage-seeking relatives and friends may cause them weep silently. They have a strong religious feeling and are capable of arousing a worthy ideal.


The Capricorn signifies professions related to Travel and tourism, Air Travels, Iron traders, Sanitary Fitters, Labours and Peons. They can also become Law makers, employ for foreign department and as Ayurveda Doctors. They can become good economists, financiers, bankers, speculators, contractors, managers and real estate brokers. Capricorns are basically good with mathematical and monetary related profession.


In the Medical Astrology zone Capricorn governs knees, bones, joints and epidermis. The diseases prominent in capricorns are leprosy, leucoderma, toothache, elephantiasis, cutaneous troubles.