Astrology Zone Gemini

As per Astrology Zone Gemini  begins from 21st May to 21st June. Gemini is a zodiac sign of twins possessing dual nature. Gemini people are highly intellectual in nature.  Geminians behave as per the characteristics of their sign.They are elusive, complex, adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual and lively in nature. But being of a dual nature, they contradict their traits simultaneously by being nervous, tense, inconsistent and inquisitive also.

People of this sign may be bored with life at times and try to find some means of leisure and recreation. Most of the time, such people are restless and imaginative. As mentioned earlier, they may have a childlike attitude which may make them unable to complete projects before moving on to newer ones that may keep them challenged and occupied. On the other hand, people of Gemini sign are great learners. They can remember and apply most of the things that they have learned all the way from childhood and are always ready to share their intelligence and knowledge with others. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers.

Appearance of People Under astrology Gemini Zone

As per astrology zone Gemini people are tall, slender, elegant with long fingers, straight nose, wide forehead and fine expressive eyes. They are always  occupied and somewhat restless. They  have the gift of eloquence, will move fast and will be widely travelled.

General characteristics of People Under astrology Gemini Zone

Such people have sharp intellect, humane nature and generous disposition. They  possess a high degree of self-esteem and brimming confidence. They are also blessed with oratorical capacity and a taste for judicial or legal pursuits. Literature and journalism may be of special interest.

As per astrology zone Gemini people are well-read and learned. They  have versatility and will be dextrous in the manual crafts. These people are subtle, artistic, curious and inventive. They possess proficiency in writing and have good command in many languages. They are impressive and humane.

Career of People Under astrology Gemini Zone

According to astrology zone Gemini people are highly imaginative and equally creative. Their mental energies produce some of the best creative endeavors. Such people usually makes a good writer or a philosopher. This placement frequently produces very talented and expressive people. Writing and communications of all sorts is are natural creative talent that come from within. Gemini people like to express their creative talent in a variety of ways. There is a tendency of producing a combination of  many hobbies and enjoyable activities. They usually finds it hard to choose one career path and is often stuck between the hobbies and education. Because they are dispassionate, logical, rational and analytical they make good scientists, excellent members of the Armed Forces. In the arts they may excel in music, painting and sculpture. They make good psychic researchers of a sceptical kind.

Characteristics of Gemini Sign