Varga Kundali - Types of Varga Kundli

Astrology analyzes a lot of Varga Kundali. Lagna Kundali is the most important and comprises of 12 houses. In order to know more about the twelve houses, Varga kundali should be properly analyzed. Sometimes Yogas can be clearly seen in a Lagna Kundali, but they are unable to give appropriate results. It is also possible that some planets are strong in a Varga kundali but inauspicious in a Lagna kundali and unable to give proper results. This way, it is very important to analyze a Varga kundali.

Varg Kundali :

D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-7, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-16, D-20, D-24, D-27, D-30, D-40, D-45, D-60. All these Kundalis should be analyzed.

Janma Kundali (D-1)

This is a Lagna Kundali. It is analyzed in all spheres of life. This Kundali comprises of 12 houses and 9 planets. One house consists of 30 degrees. Planets may be in any sign or house, but Janma Kundali is used for analyzing Varga Kundali.

Hora Kundali (D-2)

This Kundali is analyzed to know about a person’s wealth and property. In order to form this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into two equal parts. The Kundali is divided into Sun and Moon’s Hora. Moon’s Hora is from 0 to 15 degrees in a Sam sign. Sun’s Hora is from 15 to 30 degrees in a Sam sign. The situation is opposite in Visham signs. Moon’s Hora is from 15 to 30 degrees while Sun’s Hora is from 0 to 15 degrees.

Dreshkana Kundali (D-3)

This Kundali is analyzed to know about a person’s brothers and sisters. If a planet is from 0 to 10 degrees, it will be considered in the same sign in a Dreshkana Kundali as in a Janma Kundali. If a planet is from 10 to 20 degrees in a Janma Kundali, it will be in the fifth sign from its sign in a Janma Kundali. In the same way, if a planet is from 20 to 30 degrees in a Janma Kundali, it will be in the ninth sign from its sign a Janma Kundali.

Chaturthansh Kundali (D-4)

This Kundali is analyzed to know about movable or immovable wealth and fortune. In order to form this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 4 parts. One part consists of 7 degrees 30 minutes. If a planet is situated in first Chaturthansh in a Janma Kundali, it will go in the same sign in a Chaturthansh kundali. If a planet is in second Chaturthansh, it will go in the fourth sign in a Chaturthansh Kundali from the sign in which it is in a Janma kundali. If a planet is in third Chaturthansh, it will go in the seventh sign in a Chaturthansh kundali from the sign in which it is in a Janma Kundali. If a planet is in fourth Chaturthansh, it will go in the tenth sign in a Chaturthansh Kundali from the sign in which it is in a Janma Kundali.

Saptamansh Kundali (D-7)

This Kundali provides information about the native’s children. In order to form this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into seven parts. Planets in Visham signs will be counted from the signs in which they are in. Planets which are in Sam signs will be counted in the seventh sign from the sign they are actually in.

Navansh Kundali (D-9)

This is an extremely important Kundali. It is used to analyze a person’s married life. It is also used to get some information about other spheres of life. The twelve signs are divided into three parts in this Kundali.

Dashmansh Kundali (D-10)

Dashmansh Kundali is known as D-10. This Kundali is analyzed for success, fame, respect in business. It is also used for earning respect in the society. The tenth house and the lord of the tenth house are very important in this Kundali. This Kundali also gives information about the native’s parents.

Dwadshansh Kundali (D-12)

This is also known as D-12. 30 degrees are divided into twelve equal parts in order to form this kundali. One part is equal to 2 degrees and 30 minutes. This Kundali provides information about the ups and downs in parents’ life. It also tells us about longevity.

Shodshansh Kundali (D-16)

In order to form this kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 16 equal parts. This kundali gives information about happiness related to conveyance. It is also used for analyzing injuries, accidents or death related to vehicles. One part consists of 1 degree, 52 minutes and 30 seconds. According to this kundali, if a planet is in a moving sign (1, 4, 7, 10), counting starts from Aries sign. If a planet is in a stationary sign (2, 5, 8, 11), counting starts from Leo sign. If a planet is in a dual sign (3, 6, 9, 12), counting starts from Sagittarius sign. According to another opinion, if a planet is in a Visham sign, counting will start from the sign it is actually in. If a planet is in a Sam sign, counting will start from the fourth sign in which the planet is actually in. In the latter condition, the counting will start in a reverse order.

Vishansh Kundali (D-20)

In order to analyze this kundali, 30 degrees are divided into twenty parts. One part consists of 1 degree and 30 minutes. This Kundali gives information if a person would be religious. If a planet is in a moving sign, counting begins from Aries sign. If a planet is in a stationary sign, counting begins from Sagittarius sign. If a planet is in a dual sign, counting begins from Leo sign.

Chaturvishansh Kundali (D-24)

In this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 24 parts. One part consists of 1 degree and 15 minutes. This kundali gives information about education, donation, intelligence etc. If a planet is in Visham sign, counting starts from Leo sign. If a planet is in Sam sign, counting starts from Cancer sign.

Saptavishansh Kundali (D-27)

In order to form this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 27 parts. Each part consists of 1 degree 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This kundali is used to analyze a person’s skills and physical strength. If a planet is in a fire sign (1, 5, 9) in a Janma Kundali, counting starts from Aries sign. If a planet is in an earth sign (2, 6, 10) in a Janma Kundali, counting starts from Cancer sign. If a planet is in air sign (3, 7, 11) in a Janma Kundali, counting starts from Libra sign. If a planet is in water sign (4, 8, 12) in a Janma Kundali, counting starts from Capricorn sign.

Trishansh Kundali (D-30)

Trishansh kundali is also analyzed for problems in a person’s life. In this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 30 parts. A different way is used to form Trishansh kundali. Sam signs and Visham signs are counted differently in order to form a Trishansh kundali.

Khavedansh Kundali (D-40)

This is also known as Chatvaryansh Kundali. In order to form this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 40 equal parts. Auspicious and Inauspicious results are analyzed through this kundali. One part consists of 0 degrees and 45 minutes. If a planet is in Visham sign, counting will begin from Aries sign. If a planet is in Sam sign, counting will begin from Libra sign.

Akshavedansh Kundali (D-45)

This is also known as Pancha Chatvaryansh Kundali. 30 degrees are divided into 45 parts in this Kundali. This Kundali tells about a person’s character. If a planet is situated in a moving sign, counting will begin from Aries sign. If a planet is in a stationary sign, counting will begin from Leo sign. If a planet is in a dual sign, counting will begin from Libra sign.

Shashtiyansh Kundali (D-60)

In this Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 60 parts. This Kundali is used for knowing about auspicious and inauspicious incidents in life. In this Kundali, a planet’s rekhansh is multiplied by 2 and the total is divided into 12 parts. The counting starts from the position of the planet. The planet is assumed to be in Varga state where the counting ends.

Importance of Verga Kundali in Astrology