Uttarayan and Dakshinayan

According to Hindu Panchang, there are two Ayans (Solstices) in an year. In other words, Sun changes its position twice every year. These changes are known as Uttarayan (summer solstice) and Dakshinayan (winter solstice). Uttarayan is the period when the Sun travels from Capricorn sign to Gemini sign. This period is six months long. In the same way, when Sun travels from Cancer sign to Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius sign, the period is known as Dakshinayan. This way, both these periods have a duration of six months each.

According to shastras, Uttarayan is considered to be a symbol of positivity. On the other hand, Dakshinayan is considered to be a symbol of negativity. Worship, austerities, yagyas, donations, charities etc. performed during these periods are of immense importance. It is believed that all these ceremonies give hundred times more results during these periods. Saur month begins from the day of Sun’s sankranti. The period from Sun’s one sankranti to another is known as Saur month. A Saur year comprises of two parts - Uttarayan and Dakshinayan. Both are six month each.


Uttarayan begins from the day of Makar sankranti. Days are longer and nights are shorter during Uttarayan. This period involves pilgrimages and festivals. The period of Uttarayan collides with the Paush Magh month. Uttarayan is known to be the period of Devas. Yagyas, donations, charities, austerities, marriages, mundan etc. are considered to be auspicious during this period.


Dakshinayan begins from 21/22 June. The sun travels from Uttarayan to Dakshinayan on 21st June. According to religious beliefs, Dakshinayan is the night of Kal Devas. Nights and longer and days are shorter during Dakshinayan. During Dakshinayan, Sun travels with an inclination toward the southern direction.

Dakshinayan is the period associated with fasts. Many kinds of auspicious works are prohibited during Dakshinayan. This period is auspicious for Tamsik activities. Dakshinayan is a symbol of lust and desire. Therefore, fasts, yagyas, worship and other religious activities cure diseases and sorrows.

Importance of Uttarayan and Dakshinayan

According to Hindu religious scriptures, the period when Sun travels from Dakshinayan to Uttarayan is known as Makar sankranti. There are six seasons in an year. Out of these, three are a part of Uttarayan. These are winter, spring and summer. According to Puranas, Bhishma Pitama waited for Uttarayan in order to sacrifice his life. It is also believed that Ganga reached the earth from heaven on this day. Hence, Magh bath is also considered to be important.

Auspicious activities like yagyas, austerities, marriages, mundans etc. are carried out during Uttarayan. According to legends, the sky is clear and filled with clouds during Uttarayan. On the other hand, Dakshinayan comprises of winter, autumn and monsoon. The sky is filled with clouds during Dakshinayan.

Panchang and Vedic Astrology