Amatya Karaka - Amatyakaraka

In a birth chart a planet with the second highest degree except Rahu is called Amatyakaraka. Karakas are a distinct feature in Jaimini astrology.

The real meaning of Amatya is companion or follower of the King. In modern times, it has been given wide meanings. In the political field you can call him a minister, in general use you can derive aspects regarding finance or social life of a native.

Significance of Amatyakaraka

Amatyakaraka is the king’s next most important person in hierarchy. It comes after Atmakarka. Atmakaraka is the king where as Amatyakaraka is an advisor. Advisor plays a very important role in the life of the king.

In fact astrologically one can say that that Lord of the first house is Atmakarka and Amatyakarka can be compared with the 2nd Lord or even the 10th Lord as both are of immense value for finance and action.

To judge the functioning of Amatyakaraka we shall relate it as a Karaka of the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 10th house. All the above houses stand for significance of family, wealth, education, foreign travel and career opportunities respectively.

If you analyse closely, Atmakaraka is soul and is dependent on Amatyakaraka for proper functioning in this birth. If Amatyakaraka makes good connection with Atmakaraka the native will lead a life of good quality and will face less difficulties throughout life.

Yogas Formed by Amatyakaraka

There are many Yogas formed by Amatyakaraka but there are four major Raj Yogas formed by Amatyakaraka which are in use and have proved their efficacy. In a birth horoscope following -

  • 1. Yogas should be analysed to check for such combinations.
  • 2. Amatyakaraka and Atmakaraka.
  • 3. Amatyakaraka with Putrakaraka (fifth number in degrees).
  • 4. Amatyakaraka with fifth Lord of a horoscope.
  • 5. Amatyakaraka with Darakaraka (seventh number in degrees).

  • Position of Amatyakaraka in Kendra and Trikona houses from Atmakaraka or in eleventh house in birth horoscope will give beneficial results to the native. If both are together in a horoscope then it will give beneficial results in all areas of life.

    Amatyakaraka with Ptrakarak will give good results as per its siginifications such as with children and relationship with them.

    Amatyakaraka with fifth Lord will give good results as per significations of fifth house like higher education, creative fields, romantic relationships and children.

    Amatyakaraka with Darakaraka will enhance significations of seventh house like marriage and relations with spouse.

    Position of Amatyakaraka in the 6th,8th or 12th house will bring setbacks in life to the native. There will be a struggle in all areas concerned. Affliction by malefics will also create trouble for the native. Aspect of benefics will enhance the outcome beneficially.

    Other notable points are:

    When a malefic becomes Amatyakaraka and ill placed and aspected by malefics shows a man who will push through their agenda with a dash but with a lot of controversy.

    A benefic becoming an Amatyakaraka associated with benefics but with debilitation or ownership of the eighth house will finally leave to the native broke with a dubious career and image.

    A connection of Amatyakaraka with sixth Lord without association of eighth Lord or eighth house will lead the native to secure a place socially after a lot of hard work.