Ansh Bal - Degree Strength

To determine Brahma in Gemini astrology the strength of a planet is calculated. Ansh Bal (degree strength) comes under Grah Bal (planet’s strength) in Gemini astrology. Planets are classified according to the degrees of the planets. Planets with maximum degree are called Atma Karak and those with minimum degree are called Dara Karak.

  • Atma Karak gets a strength of 70 Shastiyansh.
  • Amatay Karak gets a strength of 60 Shastiyansh.
  • Bhratu Karak gets a strength of 50 Shastiyansh.
  • Matri Karak gets a strength of 40 Shastiyansh.
  • Putra Karak gets a strength of 30 Shastiyansh.
  • Gyati Karak gets a strength of 20 Shastiyansh.
  • Dara Karak gets a strength of 10 Shastiyansh.