Effect of Planets on Health

A good health is the biggest wealth for an individual. A person with healthy mind and body is capable of overcoming every obstacles and problems of life. There many factors in a horoscope that can be analyzed to determine the overall health of an individual. The study of astrology can help in understanding the basis that affect the overall health of a person. Those who have ascendant and lord of ascendant strongly placed in their horoscope live a healthy life. If either of the factor is afflicted then the native have to suffer from certain health complications.

The health of the native suffers if the ascendant or the lord of the ascendant forms relations with the 6, 8 or 12th house.

All the planets represent at least one part of the body. When any of the planet formes relation with ascendant, lord of ascendant, sixth ot eighth house of a horoscope in an afflicted state, then the native suffers from problems related to the factors associated with the afflicted planet.

First of all the position of planets in third, sixth and eighth house are analyzed to determine the health prospects of the native. There are certain principles mentioned in the rules of Ved Puran. According to these principles, a person should always face East direction while having food. This is considered to be effective for a good digestive system.

If the Libra ascendant or the sign is afflicted in a horoscope then the person has to suffer from the problems related to areas below waistline. Sixth house is considered to be the house of diseases, whereas the eighth house determines the age of a person.

Third house being placed eight houses away from the eighth house is also used to determine the health concerns. For instance: if Moon is afflicted in the third house, the the native can suffer from tuberculosis. On the other hand, an afflicted Venus in the third house can cause diabetes.

When the planets mentioned above are the lord of sixth house, or conjuncts the sixth house then the native suffers from serious health problems during the dasha of the planet. The lord of the sixth house forming relations with the lord of the ascendant or lord of the eighth house is also not considered good for health.

Influence of Varga Kundali

Apart from janma kundali, it is also important to analyze Varga kundali as well to determine the health prospects of a person. The predictions for health problems shoul,d not be made by analyzing the janma kundali alone. The position of the lord of ascendant in a jamna kundali should be checked in the navansha kundali also. If the lord of the ascendant in a janma kundali is holds a strong position in the navansha kundali, the native lives a healthy life.

Trishansha kundali is considered to be an important aspect for analyzing the health of a person. The position of ascendant and the lord of ascendant is determined in the trishansha kundali, as well as janma kundali. If all these four aspects hold a strong position then the natives does not have to suffer from any major health concerns.

The third house of the kundali is known as the house of age. Thus, Dreshkona kundali is also analyzed to determine the health of the native. The position of ascendant in a janma kundali is analyzed. If the lord of ascendant is weak, then the native should be careful about his health.

The matter of health can also be determined through the analysis of Dwadshansha kundali. Strongly placed ascendant and the lord of ascendant signifies healthy life of the native.

What does your kundali say about your health