Astrology Moon - Moon Astrology

The Moon is second most important planet in astrology. It represents the Mother in the class of heavenly bodies and is given the place of the heart in the human body.  Astrology Moon is the karak planet for mother, mind, brain, intelligence, good behaviour and pregnancy. It keeps a control on the emotions of a person. It is considered the Karak planet of mind. So, mind is controlled by Moon. If a person’s mind is free from tensions, he experience happiness and peace at every place. And if a person is upset then all the items of luxury and comforts seem to be useless. Moreover, Vedic astrology has given Moon sign Moon Nakshatra, house of Moon location more importance in comparison to all Yogas.

It is called the body of water extracts. Moon is water element. All the liquids are under the influence of Moon. Moon is also associated with gardens, salt, medicines, change, travel abroad, milk, pride etc . Moon represents the left eye, cheeks, skin, humour, voice, a lady’s right eye, stomach, intestines, uterus, ovaries and bladder.

Astrology Moon is friendly to Sun and Mercury. It is not an enemy to any planet. Moon is neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Moon is the Lord of Cancer sign. It is exalted in Taurus sign. It is debilitated in Scorpio sign. Astrology Moon rules North-Western direction. Pearl and Moonstone are the gemstones associate with Moon. Moon is associated with white color and silver. The moon represents a person’s thoughts, heart, and soul. The person under the moon’s affect changes his thoughts and actions very often.

Lucky numbers of Moon are 2, 11 and 20. Devi Durga, Parvati or Gauri should be worshipped to impress Moon. The person who is born in the sun sign of moon or in a time of the year where moon affects the most has a problem with a cough lifelong. His/her body will always be round shaped. The person’s features are very attractive like eyes and voice. Also this person would have an impatient nature. The things that should be given in charity are rice, milk, silver, pearls, curd, sugar, white clothes, white flowers. These things should be given in charity during the evening.

Moon’s Beej Mantra

"Om Sran Sreen Sraun Saha Chandramase Namah" (11000 times)

Moon’s Vedic Mantra

Om Dadhishankhtusharabham Kshirodarnavasambhavam |

Bhashinam Bhavtaya Bhambharmukutbhushanam ||

Moon in Vedic Astrology