Astrology Chart Interpretation

Once you have manually created an astrology horoscope, the next step is to go for an astrology chart interpretation. In this article, we will tell you something about an astrology chart interpretation. This article will help people who are new to this field, but curious.

First of all, you will need a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil. This is because you will have to take notes during an astrology chart interpretation. The next step is to divide your report into sections and place subject headings accordingly. You can make sections like personality, education, relationships, health, career etc. You should the type of chart that you create. It can be a bucket chart, locomotive chart and so on. One thing to remember is that you should not completely rely on traditional information which may be outdated.

The next step is to note the modality and element which have been authorized. Sometimes, astrological signs can be deceptive during an astrology chart interpretation if you just rely on the four elements. On the other hands, modes are more accurate. Cardinal actually means an initiative. On the other hand, fixed signs mean stubbornness, rigidity and passion. Mutable signs often indicate flexibility and a good mind.

Your should always start with the ascendant. Now look at each placement. Then the Sun in Sign, Sun in House, Sun's Aspects, the Moon, and so on. Then see how each factor contributes to the Subject Headings. The next step is insert relevant keywords for every subject heading. You have to do this for every sign, planet in a house, planets in aspect to the ascendant etc. When this happens, you can be sure you have found a dominant trait in your subject's psyche.On the other hand, if a trait is suggested only once, it may not be that strong unless it is a very close aspect or the planet involved is strong (personalized, ruling, dignified, etc.).

You should not stress on a trait too much if you are not completely confident that it is not that influential. In fact, you should look for the planet, sign or house which is emphasized the most. Then think of the qualities of that planet, sign or house. Consider this when writing your interpretation. Once you are finished, and you see the certain trends in the chart, you are ready to begin writing your astrology chart interpretation.

By now, you should see a picture of your client in your mind. You should keep your notes in your mind and proceed systematically. Make the report only about 5-10 pages long. A long report is boring and repetitive; a short one is useless.Print it in large print, stapled, in an envelope. Or email it to your client in DOC or PDF format. Ask him or her for feedback.