Antardasha Mars - Effects of Mars Antardasha

Mars is the commander of nine planets in astrology. Planet Mars gives its substantial results during its Mahadasha and Antardasha. The results obtained in the period of Dasha of this planet depend on the position of its house. According to Vedic astrology, mahadasha of Mars is of 7 years.

A well placed Mars in a natives kundali denotes success, professional advancement, marriage, gains of lands and property, and prosperity. While, a weakly placed Mars causes differences among siblings, suffering to brothers or sister, conflicts with enemies, high losses etc. Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Mars further enhances the domination of planet Mars upon the native’s life in this period. During this period the the native would have high impact of on his life and surroundings.

Effect of Mars Antardasha on the native’s life

Mars is in its exaltation sign, in its own sign, in a Kendra, or in a Trikona gives auspicious results. The native may acquire land or house, gain wealth and grains etc during this period.

If Mars is yuti with the Lord of the ascendant, then the native gets all-round gains, attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army, destruction of enemies, peace of mind, family comforts and increase in the number of co-borns as an effect of mars antardasha.

If Mars is in the 8th, or 12th house from the Lord of the Dasha, or is associated with malefics, or, is weakly placed then brutality, mental ailment, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, disputes with brothers and failure in ventures can take place during the antardasha.

If Mars is the Lord of Dhana, or Yuvati Bhava then it can cause diseases related to the brain and constant body pains.

Effect of Mars Antardasha on the native’s health

An afflicted or weak Mars may indicate severe health problems such as food poisoning, blood infection, frequent fever,  possibility of surgery, urinary complaints, anemia etc. Seriously afflicted Mars in 2nd or 7th house can even cause death due to high fever or infections.

Other effects of Mars may also include, bad social behavior, worries due to expenditure, anxiety because of children, mental restlessness, reduced faith in God and religion, fear of loss due to theft, acidity, fear from snakes, fear from government, body pains and lack of peace, disputes with superiors and mental agony, etc.

Transit of Mars in your kundli