Results of Dashas - Results of Dashas in Astrology

There are times when a person is unable to receive auspicious results even when there are auspicious planets in his Kundali. This may happen due to dasha or transit of planets. Dasha and transits may result in ups and downs and the person may feel restless. It is necessary to analyze a kundali during such times.

Dasha giving auspicious results

Dasha gives auspicious results in the following cases :

  • When the planet is in ascendant or second house.
  • The planet is in an exalted, friendly or in its own sign.
  • The planet is aspected by auspicious planets.
  • Dasha provides success and prosperity if the planet is strong with Shadbala or it is in the center house.
  • Inauspicious planets give auspicious results during dasha if they are in triad houses or if their lords are in inauspicious houses.

Auspicious results of Rahu - Ketu

Rahu and Ketu give auspicious results during dasha if they are in center or triad houses. The same happens if Rahu and Ketu are aspected by the lords of fifth and ninth houses.

Dasha of the Lord of a triad house

A planet becomes an auspicious planet if it is aspected by the lords of the fifth and ninth house. Dasha of such a planet provides with fortune and intelligence.

Dasha giving wealth and profits

Ascendant and Moon are analyzed for wealth and profits. A planet gives wealth and profits during its dasha if it is in the second house or aspects the second house or if it is the Lord of the second house. If the Lord of the second house is in a sign which is well aspected by an auspicious planet, it gives profits as well as respect during its Dasha.

Dasha of Malefic planets

A person receives love from his brothers and sisters, overcomes obstacles, pays off debts and gets relief from diseases if malefic planets are in malefic houses. Such a person is respected in the society. If the lords of malefic houses are aspected by auspicious planets or lords of Kendra house, trine or second house, they get some relief from diseases and health problems.

Dasha of auspicious planets

Auspicious planets give results depending on the houses in which they are present. Secondly, auspicious planets provide results depending on the signs they are in. Finally, they give results depending on the planets by which they are aspected.

Dasha of inauspicious planets

Inauspicious planets give results depending on the sign they are in. Secondly, they give results depending on the Karak element of the house they are in. Finally, they will give results depending on the Dasha of other planets which are aspecting them.

Importance of Verga Kundali in Astrology