Shadbala | The Sixfold strength of the planets - Shadbala

Vedic Astrology is the consolidated form of  three different sciences: Astronomy, Philosophy, Astrology supported with Maths.

In vedic astrology prediction is not possible without proper calculations. Our old intellectual vedic astrologers and astronomers believed that to be a classic astrologer it requires a of clear knowledge of Spherical Astronomy and Trigonometry and the individuals power of intuitions.

Planetary conjunctions plays an important part in the determination of various sources of strength and weakness of the planet in the horoscope. Each planet is supposed to get a particular share of strength when it occupies particular position. The strengths of planets are measured in Rupas. A Rupa consists of 60 Shashtiamsas.

To understand the strength of the planet it requires to analyse the six kinds of potency through the  sixfold method. The sixfold method involves

    1.Sthana Bala     - Positional Strength
    2. Dikbala           - Directional Strength
    3. Kalabala          -Temporal Strength
    4. Cheshtabala    - Motional Strength
    5. Naisargikabala - Natural Strength
    6. Drik Bala         - Aspectual Strength

Sthana Bala- Positional Strength

This is the positional strength which a planet gets as a result of occupying a particular house in the horoscope.A planet may be placed in inimical, neutral or friendly houses. It may be exalted or debilitated. If he be in an inimical house, he is considered weak and he is powerful.
Positional Strength consists of 5 major factors
1.Exaltation Strength  ( Oocha Bala )
2. Strength in the Sevenfold Division  ( Saptavargaja Bala )
3. Strength acquired in Odd & Even Signs ( Ojayugmarasyamsa Bala )
4. Angular Strength ( Kendra Bala )
5. Decanate Strength  ( Drekkana Bala )

Digbala (Directional Strength)

This is the directional strength. As Jupiter and Mercury are powerful in the East ( Ascendant). The Sun and Mars get the directional strength in the North ( 10th house). Saturn in the west(7th house) get directional strength. Venus and Moon get directional strength in South (4th house).

Kalabala (Temporal Strength)

The Moon , Mars and Saturn are powerful during the night. The Sun, Jupiter and Venus are powerful during the day. Mercury is always powerful. Malefics are powerful during the dark half of the lunar and benefics are powerful during the bright half of the lunar. Mercury powerful at sunrise, The Sun powerful at Noon, Saturn during the evening, The Moon during the first part of the night, Venus in the Midnight and Mars in the last part of the night. Jupiter is always strong,

Chestabala (Motional Strength)

Th Sun and the Moon in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini which constitute Uttarayana(Sun’s Northerly course) gains Motional Strength. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venusand Saturn in the retrogression or in conjunction with the full Moon gets Motional Strength. If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn are with Mars, they said to be defeated in the planetary fight and get Motional Strength.

Naisargikbala (Natural Strength)

This means permanent or Natural strength. Each planet has its own strength. Comparing the strength the planets. The Sun has the most powerful natural strength while Saturn has the least. the series from The Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn.

Drugbala (Aspect Strength)

Drugbala is reckoned as the result of the aspect to which each planet is subjected to by the other. Aspects of benefics give full drugbala and aspect of Malefics take away the Drugbala.

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