Budhaditya Yoga

When planets are positioned in a horoscope in a specific manner they determine auspicious or inauspicious results in accordance with the same. This conjunctions of planets forms a Yoga and the capacity of Yogas to deliver results increases. The type of planets that form a Yoga will decide the type of results that can be expected out of the combination, if it is formed between the benefic or friendly planets then it will give auspicious results, otherwise it may lead to inauspicious results.

Budhaditya Yoga Meaning | What is The Budhaditya Yoga

If the Sun and Mercury are placed together in the birth chart in any sign, it is said to form a Budhaditya Yoga. This Yoga makes a native Intelligent, lustrous and learned.These natives are courageous and they will do well due to their intelligent working style. Moreover, they are stable and principled.

When Budhaditya Yoga gives Auspicious results

Mercury is Budh and Sun is Aditya. Budhaditya term is derived from this. When conjoined this Yoga gives auspicious results. This Yoga is formed in many horoscopes, but this Yoga gives its stronger and better results in the following signs.

  • Sun and Mercury together in Aries sign.
  • Sun and Mercury in Virgo sign.
  • Sun and Mercury in Gemini sign.
  • Sun and Mercury in Leo sign.

  • When Sun and Mercury are conjunct in the above-mentioned signs, they give very auspicious results. On the other hand, if both are in a weak position, then they are unable to give good results but can be inauspicious. In Libra, Sun is debilitated and in Pisces, Mercury is debilitated, so this will not be a fruitful combination.

    Budhaditya Yoga in twelve houses

    Budhaditya Yoga gives varied results depending on the house in which it is formed. Every house of the birth chart gives results as per its own significance. Budhaditya Yoga in twelve houses can be interpreted as below.

  • When this Yoga formed in the Lagna of a birth chart, the native will hold the position of head of a family and will all the duties responsibly. The native will get social recognition and will be capable of becoming a leader.

  • When this Yoga is formed in the second house of the birth chart it will enhance the financial capability of the native. The native will have a happy family and can receive an ancestral property. The native will be a good conversationalist and his/her ideas are well appreciated. The native will get recognition in the education field.

  • When this Yoga is formed in the third house it will make the native hard-working, intelligent and creative at work. The native’s hidden talent will come to the fore. As a result the native will secure a place in the elite group. The native will have to work relently but will finally succeed in his/her endeavor.

  • In the fourth house, this Yoga will provide a beautiful home and vehicles. The native will get support from the people and will be endowed with government benefits too. The native will succeed in showcasing his/her talents and creativity. The native will also get a chance to visit foreign countries.

  • In the fifth house, if Budh Aditya Yoga is formed, the native gets a good higher education, has good intuition and will be an expert in Mantra Siddhi. The native has imagination, creativity, is a deep thinker and is inclined towards spiritualism.

  • Budhaditya Yoga in the sixth house makes the native bold and courageous. The native can win over his/her adversaries and is clever in talking. The native works more with his/her brain than physical labour.

  • Budhaditya Yoga in the seventh house will make native able to face trials and turbulence with the life partner. He works with complete understanding with his associates and gets respect in the social circles.

  • If this Yoga is formed in the eighth house of the birth chart, the native religiously inclined and interested in the occult and other secrets of life.he is a serious person and clever in conversation. He can get the benefit of ancestral property.

  • Budhaditya Yoga in the ninth house will make a native fortunate and the native will be supported by his/her fathers, seniors and siblings. The native will be religious and will lead a comfortable life.

  • Budhaditya Yoga in the tenth house will lead to employment or contract with the government job. The native will be successful professionally. The native will be respected in many quarters and will rise high in life.

  • Budhaditya Yoga in the eleventh house will bring in a lot of gains financially and professionally. The native will undertake long journeys and be praised and honored.

  • Budhaditya Yoga in the twelfth house will give income from foreign sources but at the same time expenses also increase.