Tridosha | Tridosha Periods

The Five principles theory also refered as ‘Panchabhautic Sidhanta’  the base of each and every particle on this earth. They are termed as

Pruthvi principle i.e. Earth

Jala principle i.e. Water

Tej principle i.e Fire

Vayu principle i.e. Air

Akasha principle i.e. Vacuum.

The Vedic Astrology accepted the Five principle theory and described characteristics of Signs as Watery, Fiery etc. Also, the Tridosha Sidhanta applicable in Medical Astrology is the basis of every disease. They are Vata (windy) dosha, Pitta (bile) dosha and kafa ( Phelgm) dosha.

Over a period of time, correlations between the nature of the elements and their effects were observed. These were compiled and categorized into three fundamental human constitutions, or doshas: kapha, pitta, and vata. The elements of earth and water are associated with kapha, fire is represented by pitta, and air and ether are expressed through vata. In time, this study evolved into the healing science of Ayurveda.

In Ayurvedic, every disease has been explained on the basis of Tridosha principle. hence utmost importance has been given to Tridosha. Ayurveda describes the body as being composed of three functional entities, called doshas, 7 tissues, and 3 waste products. The doshas are vata, pitta, kapha, and may be described as metabolic principles.

As per Vedic Astrology it has been said that the Saturn is a signifactor of Vata dosha , the Mars is the signifactor of Pitta dosha and the Jupiter is the signifactor of kapha dosha. Hence, since ancient period Vedic Astrology has been used as a tool for diagnosis by the Ayurvedic practitioners for the benefit of patients.  

The Tridoshas have specific characteristic and govern specific functions. 

Vata (Wind)  deals with the energy of the universe expressed as motion. Vata makes effect on the body in functions of circulation, respiration, movement, locomotion, elimination, nervous system functioning, speech, enthusiasm, and creativity. Its qualities include mobile, cold, light, dry, rough, clear, and subtle. 

Pitta (Bile) deals with energy of the universe expressed as heat and light. Pitta makes effect on   in the functions of digestion, metabolism, intellect, vision, body temperature, complexion, courage, and cheerfulness. It includes all transformations or changes of energy; e.g. material food into non-material heat, movement, thought and vice versa. Its qualities include hot, sharp, light, oily, liquid, and spreading. 

Kapha (Phelgm) deals with the energy of the universe expressed as physical structure and deals with fluid balance, secretions, binding, growth, potency, patience, heaviness, compassion, and understanding. Its qualities include cold, oily, smooth, heavy, static, hard, liquid, dense, dull, cloudy, and gross. The physical body is actually made up of 7 tissues: plasma/lymph, red blood cells, muscle, fat, bone, nerve tissue/bone marrow, and sperm/ovum. 

Hence, through emotions, behavior, physical traits, and functioning we can describe a person as a vata type or pitta type etc. This concept of body type is called prakriti in Sanskrit. 

Tridoshas serves as a permanent balance  for an individuals life It also suggests themes which, by their liveliness tend to be balanced throughout life. 

Tridosha and Gemology

As per Gemology, gems and stones affinitive to the 3 element classification i.e. Vatta, Pitta and Kaph can be suggested to overcome the ill effects of the tridoshas as per the individual. 

VATTA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as alexandrite, chiastolite, diaspore, iolite, moldavite, nuumit, tektite, thulite, zoisite

PITTA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as agates (all types), ametrine, carnelian, citrine, eudialyte, gold aventurine, golden beryl, lava rock, morganite, onyx, red aventurine, rock crystal, rose quartz, smokey quartz,yellow apatite

KAPHA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as azurite, chyrsocolla, eilat stone malachite, Shivalinga, Silver, snake jasper, stromatolite, turquoise, ulexite, 

VATA PITTA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as amethyst, blue apatite, blue topaz, emerald fire opal

VATA KAPHA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as abalone shell, amber, diamond (all varieties), opals (except fire opal)

PITTA KAPHA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as bloodstone, calcite, dolomite, moonstone, tiger's eye, zircon 

VATA PITTA KAPHA related ill effects can be overcome by the gems or stone as amazonite, gold, mookaite, naturally occuring ruby/fuchsite/kyanite mixture

Tridosha  Periods

As per the principles of Ayurveda, each day is divided into six four-hour periods, each reflecting the dynamics of either kapha, pitta, or vata. The first period begins at dawn and moves into successive periods approximately every four hours. (Please note that the following time periods are based on a 6:00 am sunrise; if  sunrise in your area is earlier or later, you will have to adjust the periods accordingly):

Kapha: 6:00 am - 10:00 am; 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Pitta: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm; 10:00 pm - 2:00 am

Vata: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm; 2:00 am - 6:00 am

We will all experience each tridosha period differently, depending on the extent to which kapha, pitta, and vata are balanced, deficient, or excessive in our constitutions. The following descriptions of the tridosha periods can help us to understand the effects of the cycles on our daily life, 

To get the report of Saturn Sadesati, please click on this link : Saturn Sadesati