Medicinal Properties of Gemstone | Ash of Ruby | Ash of Pearl | Ash of Coral

Everybody is aware of the numerous uses of gemstones. Astrology as well as Ayurveda talk about the importance of gemstones in life. In Ayurveda, gemstones are also used for their medicinal value. Vedic texts explain procedures and ways to use gemstones as medicines. Gemstones are used for their medicinal value in both hard and powdered forms. All sorts of diseases are believed to be cured with the help of ashes of these gemstones.

Vaidyas and Hakims have been using these gemstones for their medicinal values since the ancient times. The ashes of all good gemstones are obtained and used. A number of difficult procedures have to be followed to acquire these ashes. Different gemstones are used for different puposes.


This gemstone is used in both hard form and as ashes for its medicinal value. Ruby solves breathing problems and helps in the proper circulation of blood. Its also solves all kind of stomach problems and helps in longevity. The ashes of this gemstone have the power to suppress heat and cough. It is also helpful in eye problems and other pains. The use of this gemstone also helps in easing burning sensations in the body.

This gemstone provides a person with coolness. It enhances the power of sight and solves eye problems. The ashes of this gemstone also solve the problem of impotency.


The ashes of this gemstone are eaten as a medicine. People having a deficiency of calcium receive benefits from this gemstone. The ashes of this gemstone are cool and good for eyes. It increases power and strength. The ashes of this gemstone are known as Mukta ashes. This gemstone solves problems related to Tuberculosis. It is also beneficial for people suffering from cough, fever or respiratory problems. The ashes of this gemstone are also used for blood circulation and heart problems.


Scholars believe that if coral is dipped in rose water and is massaged on a pregnant lady’s stomach, it can prevent a miscarriage. The ashes of this gemstone prevent cough problems and fever. The ashes of this gemstone keep a person healthy.


The ashes of this gemstone are mixed with rose water. Problems related to blood are solved with this gemstone. It is also good for heart and urinal problems. The ashes of this gemstone are cool. It decreases body temperature and increases hunger. The ashes of this gemstone are also good for piles, asthma and vomiting.

White Sapphire

The ashes of this gemstone are used for jaundice, cough and respiratory problems. It is also used for piles. It destroys viruses present in the body. It is also helpful in nausea.


Scholars believe that diamond should not be eaten in powdered form. Only the ashes of this gemstone should be consumed. It helps in tuberculosis, respiratory problems, swelling, loss of blood, diabetes etc. The ashes of this gemstone are used for enhancing facial beauty. It is believed that the ashes of this gemstone help a person survive during his last days.

Diamond gemstone also helps with the problem of impotency and cures almost all diseases. It gives strength and power.

If a person swallows some part of diamond by mistake, he should be given milk and ghee. The part of the diamond swallowed will be out with a vomit. In case this part does not come out, it can harm the intestines which can be life-threatening.

Blue Sapphire

The powder of this gemstone should be mixed with rose water. It should be consumed when it is properly mixed. It should be consumed with honey, cream, ginger or pan. It is useful is hih fever, epilepsy, hiccups and mental problems. Problems related to stool, arthritis, pains, unconsciousness etc can also be solved.


The ashes of this gemstone help in problems related to intestinal worms, piles, herpes etc.
Cat’s eye stone

Hessonite gemstone is used in powdered form. It helps in dealing with cough problems. This stone is also known as Vaidurya. This stone is cool. The ashes of this gemstone enhance intelligence. It also provides a person with longevity. It is helpful in eye problems and problems related to bile.

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