Balava Karna | Balava Karana Meaning | Balava Karana Calculator
In astrology when a date is divided into two then 2 Karanas are formed. It can be said that one Tithi is formed by joining two Karanas. One Karana is formed by first half of the day and the second Karana is formed by the later half of the day. One Chandra Paksha has 14 dates and the second Chandra Paksha also has 14 dates. There are also Purnima and Amavasya. All combine together to make a moon month.
Half part of Tithi is called Karana. There are 30 days which make 60 Karana. But, in astrology, only 11 Karana are counted which are repeated in the rest over days.
Out of these 11 Karana, 1st seven are repeated 8 times and last 4 are of constant. These 4 Nakshatra are called Dhurv Nakshatra
11 Karanas Name
The 11 Karanas are as follows : Bava, Balva, Kaulava, Taitila, Gar, Vanija, Vishti, Shakuni, chatuspada, Naga, Kinstughan.
How to Calculate Balava Karana
In order to calculate Karana, difference between the degrees of Sun and Moon is calculated which is divided by 6. The remaining number is called Karana.
Balava Karana : Movable Karana
Balava Karana is a movable Karana. Other movable Karana include : Bava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gar, Vanija and Vishti. Left over four Karana are called Dhurv Karana.
Balava Karana - Lord
Lord Brahma is the lord of Balava Karana. A person born in Balava Karana and is suffering from some health problem should worship lord Brahma. This reduces his problems of health.
Balava Karana Result
A person born in Balava Karana time period has religious faith. He has special interest in traveling to spiritual sites. Also, he participates in religious works. The quality of constructing religious spots can be found in such an individual.
Balva Karana - Religious Nature
People born in Balva Karana like to stay in contact with religious Gurus. This helps in his religious, spiritual and social development. Such a person has the quality of getting fame in the society and increasing the luck.
Balava Karana : Master of Knowledge
People born in Balava Karana are efficient in learning. They are enlightened people and scholars of many subjects. Working in the field of education, they can earn both money and fame. Person of this Yoga makes his family proud by his wisdom.
Balva Karana Bhadra Story
There is a famous story related to Bhadra date and Balva Karana. As per the story, Bhadra Tithi is called the sister of Shani Dev. Bhadra had to face defamation because of her dark color, long hairs, big teeth, horrifying looks and works.
Upset by this, father of Bhadra, god Sun asked for some solution from lord Brahma. On this lord said that the person who will not respect you in the end of Balava and Bava Karana , all his works will suffer obstacles.
Since then, Bhadra Tithi resides in Balava and Bava Karana. no auspicious work is done during this time.