Sagittarius Lagna | Sagittarius Ascendant
Each Zodiac sign when ascending carries its own definite mental, physical and personal characteristics. But is practically implemented only if there is no planet in the first house or Lagna. Presence of planet can modify the results. for example if the Sun is in the Lagna it adds nobleness, the Moon adds better proportion and greater delicacy, Mars in lagna gives a fair ruddiness and healthy constitution. Mercury makes the stature proportionate and well shaped, Jupiter adds the fair complexion, large eyes and dignifies stature. Venus adds beauty, softness and greater delicacy. Saturn makes a man tall, inactive. But the degree and its effectiveness also depends on the Rashi.
Sagittarius is the Ninth rashi of the 12 Rashis.
Sagittarius is a fire sign and Male gender. It is dual in nature. The direction of Sagittarius is East
The Lord of Lagna is the Jupiter that give the native leadership quality and conversational ability.
The colour of Sagittarius is Yellow/Golden and place is stable..
Sagittarius is Ratribali. That means that this rashi gets stronger in the night time.
The Mental Tendencies of Sagittarius rising are philosophical and inclination for occult sciences. They are Humane and somewhat impulsive. Sagittarians are enterprising.
Physically Sagittarius are inclined to corpulence. They possess almond eyes and brown hair. With happy smile, evenly set Teeth they look good in appearance.
Generally natives born in Sagittarius have phlegmatic temperament.They are conventional and uphold conservative views. They are sympathetic and loving. Sagittarians are restless and over anxious at times. They dislike hypocrisy and external show. They are God fearing and honest.
The Sun in Sagittarius makes native rich, popular, religious, wealthy, happy and respectable but Sun also make natives short tempered,
The Moon in Sagittarius gives large teeth, disfigured nails and arms, deep and inventive intellect, good speech, good inheritance, patron of art and literature, Moon also makes native little showy, ceremonial minded, benefactor.
Mars in Sagittarius makes native a famous minister, statesman, open, frank, pleasure loving. Mars also makes extremely conservative. quarrelsome and litigation troubles.
Mercury in Sagittarius develops taste in science, respect from polished society. capability. Mercury makes native superstitious, vigorous, cunning.
Jupiter in Sagittarius makes wealthy, handsome, trustworthy, charitable, open minded and good conversationalist.
Venus in Sagittarius makes native wealthy, respected, impertinent, generous, frank, high position and philosophical.
Saturn in Sagittarius makes native cunning, famous, pretentious and apparently generous.
In the study of Mundane Astrology Sagittarius governs Camping grounds, military retreats, chariots,
In the Medical Astrology Sagittarius governs Arterial system. The diseases prominent .are Gout, paralysis, sudden fits, hip troubles.
The appropriate careers for Sagittarius are start their career with jobs and slowly shift to business. Ideal avocations as Schools, NGO’s Banking industries, Consultants, Lawyers, Spiritual leaders, Preachers, They can also be successful as Patriots, govt. Employees, Income tax and sale tax dept.
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