Finger prints and Palmistry - Making Predictions

Know your future by fingerprints Patterns in a Palm

Our fingerprints are like our own personal signatures since these are totally unique for everyone. No two patterns of fingerprints not even on the hands of identical twins are alike exactly. Unlike other features in the hand, our fingerprints never change their patterns throughout our lives. The modern scientific name for the study of skin patterns is dermatoglyphics.

In this webcast, we will discuss some common patterns of fingerprints found in a palm. We will also talk about the general characteristics of a person represented by these patterns.

Significance of loops on fingers and palm

The three basic categories of fingerprints found on a palm are the loop, the whorl and the arch. The most common fingerprint pattern found in a hand is a loop.

A loop on a finger or palm of any individual indicates a flexible, free and easy attitude in whichever field a person is in.

Such a person has immense adaptability and is always ready to make compromises and sacrifices. Therefore, he makes a good family member at home and a good employee at his workplace.

A loop often represents a leader who loves to communicate and is open for the exchange of ideas.

A loop in a finger or a palm also indicates a love of different interests in a person. He may be interested in too many things but will not be good at anything.

Loops on a thumb denote a great diplomatic skills. Hence, the person with loops will have excellent abilities in working with other people.

Significance of Whorls

The whorl especially denotes people who are immersed in their own ideas and have great difficulty in changing their attitudes and opinions.

It also shows that the native prefers to be in charge of a task and hate the interference of others while he makes his own decisions.

People with whorls on their fingers are deep thinkers and are often found brooding.

These people are not idle chatterers but prefer to talk on matters they know and understand well.

A whorl on the ring finger tells that the native might become a good designer in an artistic field since such people have a creative bent of mind.

On the thumb, the whorl represents a person who is slow in making up his mind for something and in responding.

Significance of Arches

People with arched patterns are capable, trustworthy and reliable. They are able to cope well in adverse conditions.

An arched pattern on a finger suggests down to earth people who can turn their hands for most of the activities. They make excellent gardeners or may be involved in other outdoor pursuits.

Such people do not make friends easily, but once they give their trust they become loyal and devoted.

These people must find a practical outlet like painting, writing and pottery to express themselves. Otherwise, they might repress their feelings altogether.

Such people also love to discuss a concrete subject anytime. Though they take time to open up with people, but they keep on going once they start discussing a thing.

Composites on fingers and palm

The composite pattern looks like two loops pulled together in opposite directions. A person having such pattern in his hand is a perfect blend of logical decision making and an emotional approach.

The native with a composite pattern takes a long time to make a decision since he thinks a lot about the pros and cons of an issue.

Composite pattern indicates someone with better than practical skills. These people are able to see both sides of an issue, even before the issue has been raised. They do not accept anything at its face-value.

The composite pattern also indicate a clinical approach in the native. Therefore, such people are often argumentative and may question a lot.

The Peacock’s Eye

This whorl consists of a whorl inside a loop and looks like the eye on the tail feather of a peacock.

It is usually found on the ring or little fingers and those who have it are blessed with protection and good fortune. It also represents lucky escape from injurious or dangerous situations for the native. The native is able to complete the task related to the finger on which this pattern is present without any hurdles or obstacles.