Help lines on the palm - Interpreting through palmistry

Help lines in a palm

Help lines play a very important role in the study of a palm since the predictions related to main lines are incomplete without the study of these lines. In this webcast, we will talk about the importance of help lines and the general predictions made by them.

The line of marriage

The horizontal line situated exactly below the little finger and above the heart line is called the marriage line. This lines indicates intimacy in relationships, happiness in marital life and existence of love and affection between a husband and a wife.

The mount of Venus and the line of heart should also be taken into consideration while making the prediction of the happiness related to marriage.

A well-developed and a dark line of marriage joining the line of fate indicates a healthy union.

A distinct line of marriage with hair-lines dropping from it towards the line of heart tells about the bad-health of the person the native will marry. When this line curves upwards, the person is not likely to marry in his lifetime.

If this line is full of little islands and drooping lines, the native should not marry because this is the sign of great unhappiness in married life.

The line of Apollo

The line of Sun is also known as the line of Apollo, line of success or the line of brilliance. It may arise from the line of life, the mount of Luna, the plain of Mars, the line of head or the line of heart.

It tells about the chances of getting fame, success and brilliance in the life of an individual. The line of Sun determines the extent of success and fame in the life of an individual, the factors causing fame, hurdles posed in the way of achieving success and consistency in maintaining fame.

The line of Sun along with a sloping line of head indicates success in an artistic field like poetry, literature, painting and other things related to pure imagination. When this line is clear and well-marked, it gives extreme sensitivity. This makes a person kind and benevolent which results in his popularity.

The line of journey

The heavy lines on the face of mount of Moon and the little hair-lines which leave the line of life and travel towards the mount of Moon are known as lines of journey. Sometimes, the short lines that join the line of fate and shoot downwards into the mount of Moon indicate profitable and intellectual foreign travels.

The line of journey which ends with a small cross indicates that the journey of the subject will end in disappointment. When this line ends in a square, it represents danger in the journey. But, this danger will not cost the life of the native.

When this line travels across the hand and enters the mount of Jupiter, great power and position will be gained by the native and the journey will also be extremely long. When the end of these horizontal lines are inclined towards the wrist, the journey of native will be unfortunate.

Line of Children

The lines found at the mount of Mercury above the line of marriage and at the base of the thumb are lines related to children. But, this line should be studied along with the other lines and features on a hand to predict the possibility of getting children.

One can tell how many children a person will get, whether the children will play an important part in life of someone or not, will they be delicate or strong or will they be a male or a female by the position of this line, by various mounts they touch and by their appearance.

The line of children appears more prominently on the hands of females rather than males. When lines of children are clearly marked, these denote strong and healthy children. On the other hand, if these lines are faint and wavy, the subject’s children are weak.

When the first line takes a long turn and enters the palm, it indicates an obstacle or an unhappiness related to children.

Line of Health

The line of health is also known as the Hepatica or the line of Mercury. It starts from the wrist and ends towards the little finger. This line tells about the growth of an illness or the causative agent of a disease in an individual.

The line of health should lie straight on a hand. The more straight it is, the less will be the growth of a disease. But, this line should be studied along with the line of life for a accurate prediction.

The hand without line of health is considered best and its absence indicates an extremely robust and healthy constitution.

The line of health which is red in colour and leaves the line of heart represents heart trouble for an individual. When this line is patchy and red, it indicates that the person is vulnerable to fever.